What make's this one different then the one already up there
What make's this one different then the one already up there
#showtooltip Scatter Shot
/cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] Scatter Shot
/cast [target=target,nomodifier] Scatter Shot
why not set a focus key
#showtooltip Scatter Shot
/cast [target=focus,modifier:shift] Scatter Shot
/cast [target=target,nomodifier] Scatter Shot
why not set a focus key
There are functions in your interface options, but I prefer to use macros since they are more diverse. Here is an example of a macro I use for scatter shot:
pls explain how they are more diverse! were just average twinkers trying to improve
By annylising this macro, you'll notice that the 2nd line has /stopcasting. The use of this function in the macro allows me to cancel what ever I’m casting and automatically use scatter shot.
I guess the average twinker can't read either? I clearly explain it in the following paragraph below the macro itself.
Beau this weekend pally v rogur duelz u going down like the economy!
De not im likr 4-24 - 0
my eyes have been opened//but thats not what i asked you dont have to use a modifier for stop casting to work
I was asking how does the modifier function better then the global key
genuinely curious!