Be ready AP horde

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bad thing about AP premade is that you cant 1v1 anyone in bgs which isnt fun at all.
but as i am playing a lock on AP its really good to always have healers. And i do love arenas so for that reason i will gear and play my lock for arena
someone asked me to move to AP horde permanently but
while we really do need more horde players for queue time issues, we still need good players on ally since alot of them are noobs
i will play on both servers AP and Norgannon
and the Norgannon Ally premade almost ready so be ready AP horde! >: )
Team AHOY looking for 20 trial tinks and 24 tinks, apply at our website Team Ahoy gaming now thats outta the way Aerie peak were comming for you no longer can you hide in wsg and turtle for last minute with full premade and win by one cap against only 3 of our guys lol... so we will thrash you in wsg soon enough. were not playing by your rules and idc how many bloodelfs you choose to crutch on your premade team like pizza does down in the 19 bracket. same thing can be said for QT both of you can expect us. wanna talk trash do oit on our general discussion forum on our homepage so we know who focus in bgs cheers happy hunting. this message i posted applied to horde side only btw
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Team AHOY looking for 20 trial tinks and 24 tinks, apply at our website Team Ahoy gaming now thats outta the way Aerie peak were comming for you no longer can you hide in wsg and turtle for last minute with full premade and win by one cap against only 3 of our guys lol... so we will thrash you in wsg soon enough. were not playing by your rules and idc how many bloodelfs you choose to crutch on your premade team like pizza does down in the 19 bracket. same thing can be said for QT both of you can expect us. wanna talk trash do oit on our general discussion forum on our homepage so we know who focus in bgs cheers happy hunting. this message i posted applied to horde side only btw

Or just roll on Aerie Peak and get rolled in the arena like a true baddie.
haters gunna hate dont care what you think we almost rolled you guys with 3 of us and you had an entire premade team your garbanzo trash and were gunna show you that ^_^
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Good luck. I'll field 5 of my choosing against 10 of yours. The way of your writing makes me conclude you are about 12 years with a lot of hate flowing around, aren't you?
haters gunna hate dont care what you think we almost rolled you guys with 3 of us and you had an entire premade team your garbanzo trash and were gunna show you that ^_^

Sorry to burst your bubble, but not all premades are equal. Face a true AP premade and lets see who wins, until then keep talking your talk. Look forward to meeting you guys in the field.
talk the smack more dude forreal we eat this shit up, our screenshots dont lie. you will be dominated and thats the end of my reply to your pathetic out dated derrrrrrrr you must be 12 years old derrrrrrrrrr your mouth writes checks your ass cant cash.
Seriously, who are these guys? Did any premade GY farm lately?

Their website must be checked out xD One of the more interesting items found there:

how many AP bads does it take to talk smack on TI before they relize they gunna get dominated
all of them (0)

just a couple baddies? (0)

Don't know if serious.
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Sigh, why do people even try to recruit people on new servers? Only affect everyone in a bad way...

*First i'm not part of this bracket*

But seriously, it's easy for someoen to say that when you already got AGM on and BiS..

I mean, maybe there's a lot of players that doesn't want to play on AP simply due to the fact that they won't get AGM for quite a long time.. Meaning no BiS and no ''key'' items(AGM)
any given 9 or 10 man grp should do well specially with 3 healers in the mix and the rest dps. if u cant make somehting with that against a pug then it wont matter bring your 10 man core a team we love to tap that ass. like i said before dont care what any of you scruba dub dubs think, or for your rules. were gunna que with our team and thats that. you have no idea what were running not a clue at all. you will be dominated in a matched game thats all there is to it, weve done it before just never called u out on it. and before you hella decline it know this we got screenshots to proove 3 back to back to back games 3-0 us agaisnt 10 ap premades some of them your premade teams and one of them all your a team and we havent even qued a 10 man premade our side yet, i added the numbers up you ugys are in the hole.. dont even stand a chance
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enough hating for today stay classy tiwnkinfo im out
Good lord this whole thing makes me lol. Some of the worst spelling I've ever seen on display in this thread and on that website. It's too bad that fielding a 10 man as Alliance is next to impossible because I'm sure quite a few of us would love to put you in your place.
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