Be careful if you're playing your 19 twink with no subscription.

Saw this coming a mile off. You've been baited and trolled by the devs. Send blizzard some hate mail for me.
:( that's rough man, I was hanging out with you in Goldshire on my 29 a couple weeks back. Hope to see you on a new 19 soon.
Open a ticket. They'll dlevel you.

I second this. Recently Blizzard has been more willing to delevel 19 twinks who accidentally ding 20. Doesn't hurt to try.
I second this. Recently Blizzard has been more willing to delevel 19 twinks who accidentally ding 20. Doesn't hurt to try.

I've heard that recently they implemented a feature to restore the levels of toons. This is what my friend was told by a GM when he dinged 20 after some wargames last week and opened a ticket.
I've heard that recently they implemented a feature to restore the levels of toons. This is what my friend was told by a GM when he dinged 20 after some wargames last week and opened a ticket.
this is true

i can name 3-4 twinks (including myself) off the top of my head who have all accidentally leveled in the past month who are all now 19 again and all it took was 1 ticket
They seem to have a policy of deleveling if you ask them to do it quickly and don't quest at 20 like the eye patch of shame wearers. What is probably uncertain is whether they'll delevelypu if you're still unsubscribed. Id be willing to subscribe if necessary to delevel toon, unless it has all new/relatively easily replaceable gear.
wish the lvl 20+ quests were good for 19s lol then id try to get patch ect on a toon
wish the lvl 20+ quests were good for 19s lol then id try to get patch ect on a toon

1) They revert quest progress.
2) If you were able to keep an item from level 20+ after being deleveled (there are a few loopholes where you may possibly be able to get away with doing so that I can think of) it will be removed if you ever use it in a WSG game.
1) They revert quest progress.
2) If you were able to keep an item from level 20+ after being deleveled (there are a few loopholes where you may possibly be able to get away with doing so that I can think of) it will be removed if you ever use it in a WSG game.

also scaling kinda ruins most of it :p
Just curious, if you let your subscription lapse and your account turns into a "Veteran" account, does your xp automatically get turned on for all your twinks, or does it only happen if you log on a twink?

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