BC capped and staying that way..


Hey. I am BC capped and don't plan on updating...

That said we all know I will be a level 70 twink.

I would like to pvp.

I just don't know what to roll, paladin or warrior.

My plan is to level in randoms and BGs. Then at 70 doing arenas to eventually get a Brutal Gladiators set, and then off to random battlegrounds.

Now I know I will be going up agaist level 79s in most BG's, so I'd like to know which would be better off to deal competitive damage while at the same time not being a 1-hit kill to mildly geared players.

Right now I have a mage with WEAK gear. I have noticed that most warriors seem to be protection (based on the huge HP pool), but I'm not sure what the paladins are doing.. Either way, warriors take forever to mow down, if they aren't attacking me. When they are on the attack I'm dead.. with those charging stuns and huge hits leaving me unable to do much more than blink out of the first one and maybe get an iceblock off and hope they find someone else.

Pallys seem to be easier for me, unless they are twinked. I'd say I win more than half my duels with similarly geared paladins.

Are warriors just a mage anti-class?

Looking for thoughts, experiences, any help in making up my mind.

Thanks in advanced for any help!
IMO, once you have the gear.....it depends on what you are PVPing in to what head/shoulder enchants, gems, and etc enchants you would select

i have a 70 hunter in full S4/Guardian minus bow and weapons. bow i have is from Hyjal last boss, and a 2H axe from ZA.

for 70 arenas and 61-70 AV i was using the scryer/CE head and shoulder enchants, gem more for AP/agi, enchant for AP on bracers/boots

for 70-79, that's a whole different bag of worms there, i have been doing this alot, and quit the arena, and am still hard to kill in 61-70 AV and still in top 4 damage wise. i use the PVP vendor stam/res shoulder enchant, use the Shattered Sun stam/res head enchant sold by QM, went to 40 stam on bracers, use tuskars vitality on boots. gems are mostly agi/res or AP/res, with a few res/stam. doing this i'm able to easily survive the burst of near all 77-79's

alot of 70 healer do along the same lines, they really stack or blend in res and many roll near 500-600+ res using SP/res gems, 20 res ench to chest and flask of lesser toughness

IMO in 70 -79 bracket unless you are a 70 rogue (which i also have) or druid who plays mostly cat who can stealth, you are a eye candy, perceived as a easy kill and attacked.

now i'm gathering points for a second helm and shoulders, will also be getting another set of guardian bracers, boots etc. so depending on how the BG is going i will have a set option for more AP or more survivability
The different gear setups is a good point... appreciate that.

I still need help deciding whether to roll a warrior or a paladin to 70 and twink out...

I was thinking about rogue... but then noticed how easily I can spot stealthed players that are lower than level 66. Only a few times has a 66 snuck up on my mage, but I can usually get away from 60 twink rogues... I'm a 70 mage rolling around with only 133 res and ~10k hp right now. and about 630 +spell, but I find mages rather difficult to "master" since I only play ~10 hrs a week.
If it's between a warrior & paladin i'd say go paladin, you'll have those instant FoLs which really helps.. As a warrior theres only so many you can kill till your health runs out.

Also, bauble & hs = nuff said.
Ah. Okay thanks. I know this question isn't related, but will I be able to tank with a ret pally until I get to 40 (dual spec)?

Or am I better off specing prot and pvping with a shield?

And for arena, ret or prot? 1h/shield or 2h?
GTIGuy said:
Ah. Okay thanks. I know this question isn't related, but will I be able to tank with a ret pally until I get to 40 (dual spec)?

I'm assuming you're talking about instances, if so then yes you will.. easily, just remember righteous fury.

GTIGuy said:
Or am I better off specing prot and pvping with a shield?

I don't understand this question.

GTIGuy said:
And for arena, ret or prot? 1h/shield or 2h?

Ret. I think that prot reqs alot of pve gear and more talent points than whats available @ 70(Which means you gimp your resi and you don't have sacred shield), I've never seen a competitive prot paladin in arenas myself so I'm not sure.

Cuddle said:
Ret. I think that prot reqs alot of pve gear and more talent points than whats available @ 70(Which means you gimp your resi and you don't have sacred shield), I've never seen a competitive prot paladin in arenas myself so I'm not sure.


Why does prot require alot of pve gear for arena? I'm assuming ur talking bout getting tank gear? That's not the case as prot pvp paladins should be using gear exactly like ret e.g (s4/gaurd) and then just a shield/1h (slowest 1h u can get).
From what I know regarding prot paladins in pvp they roll with tank pve offsets and retridin pvp mainset. Could be wrong though...
Not sure why u think that any tanking gear would make them better? For Surv maybe? idk. However for prot palas in pvp scenario, tanking gear serves no purpose, as the 3 main moves judgements/Avenger's Shield/Hammer of the Righteous all scale with ap.

Avenger's Shield

Hurls a holy shield at the enemy, dealing [1100 + 0.07 * SPH + 0.07 * AP] to [1344 + 0.07 * SPH + 0.07 * AP] Holy damage, Dazing them and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets. Lasts 10 sec.
Yeah that could be right, like I said i'm not sure..

I do on the other hand think that prot paladins aren't worth a thing in arenas simply because they have no divine plea & sacred shield.
Cuddle said:
If it's between a warrior & paladin i'd say go paladin, you'll have those instant FoLs which really helps.. As a warrior theres only so many you can kill till your health runs out.

Also, bauble & hs = nuff said.

when does a paladin get instant flash of lights? holy? or other specs too?

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