Battle Standards

without any other screen shots from anyone else . i think your in the lead but i think your playing by yourself ?

You never play with yourself? Ohh it's great, very rewarding.

I was planning on doing this whether others joined in or not honestly, thought I'd make a post about it on TI anyways just in case someone else might have liked the idea.
So I recently ran out of things to buy with honor on a few of my twinks, I have all the honor tabards and heirlooms upgraded to 90+ but felt like something was missing...

So I started buying Horde Battle Standard - Item - World of Warcraft with my points and tossing them into void storage. My goal is to get a full tab of them and I challenge all you twinks out there to beat me to it, winner gets bragging rights. :cool:


I know I have a little bit of a headstart but I still need another 35k honor's worth of them til I'm there. I hope I'll find a few competitors in this :)

I wish my void storage was that clear :(

The life of a transmog whore.....
Hypnotic Dust costs 100 honor and usually sells around 10g each. So 35k honor points is a wasted 3.5k gold. Just sayin'

EDIT: Plus the cost of putting them in the void storage
*Ahem* This thread is about how many battle standards you're wasting your honor on and screenshots of them, if you're trying to post other constructive ways to spend your honor please leave.
if anyone else is doing this too post your progress! i'm about to be done with this little project of mine

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