Battle ground fears


Hi guys! when you are in a battle ground, what sends you running? List your class.
Mine is, when i see a hunter, I turn around and run away!!!
When I see a 600 hp teammate holding the flag, i ask him to pass the flag to me.
Then i see the other team running towards him.
"I change my mind, you keep the flag."

Woops, i forgot to add my own class ahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahhahaahahhahahhaahahahahaha. I play a paladin
Well when i see a bunch of hunters or rogues or ret pallies or all 3 on ally side and see that my own team is undergeared and unprepared, i make a nice cozy spot on the alliance roof and hope the match ends soon :(
Hunters or pallies with a lot of health. Can't really run from rogues as you don't see them until it's too late.

Hunters are just retardedly OP and the crutch for bad players in this bracket. It will be interesting to see how many elite pvp'ers suddenly lose interest in their favorite class once MoP rolls out.
On my priest, I only fear good mages. On my resto shaman everyone, but I at least enjoy purging the fort off them (because then I know they whine at the priest on their team to refort them no matter what is going on).
24 BiS paladins 2 gcd and poof

Omgwtflawl has died
Omgwtflawl has left the battle

I am not afraid of hunters unless they are lvl 24. But I fear most the following things

1) that a shammy on the opposing team knows what is purge and windshear
2) that ppl will start rolling more shamies to purge my shields
2) that I will meet tons of paladins and will die in a stun under exospam with my trinket on cd
3) that 2 rogues jump on me at once outta nowhere
and etc.
Hunters or pallies with a lot of health. Can't really run from rogues as you don't see them until it's too late.

Hunters are just retardedly OP and the crutch for bad players in this bracket. It will be interesting to see how many elite pvp'ers suddenly lose interest in their favorite class once MoP rolls out.

I'll admit im not the greatest PVPer, but I would much rather play a Lock or Mage if not so squishy.... they are just way under powered at lvl 20
So after getting rolled 100 times by horde hunters and pallies I left the Lock behind and made a hunter. I am completely geared except GURU ofc and No class makes me run....
BUT, any Decent Pally or Priest 1300 hp+ that can DPS and heal themselves beats me 9 out of 10 times. I've lost almost every duel to them and really want to know if ANY Hunter (F2P) can beat a Good Pally better than 50% of the time? Anyone?
On my priest, I only fear good mages. On my resto shaman everyone, but I at least enjoy purging the fort off them (because then I know they whine at the priest on their team to refort them no matter what is going on).

:rolleyes: I do this too on my shammy. If a 24 rogue or similar opens on me, I try and Flame Shock them and then purge their buffs away before I die. kek.

On my druid, I usually only run (and by that, I mean stealth) if I see a well-geared hunter coming towards me. Most of the time they're not smart enough to put hunter's mark on me anyway.
BUT, any Decent Pally or Priest 1300 hp+ that can DPS and heal themselves beats me 9 out of 10 times. I've lost almost every duel to them and really want to know if ANY Hunter (F2P) can beat a Good Pally better than 50% of the time? Anyone?

On my priest I win 99 percent of the time against most hunters. The only way a hunter can beat me if he keeps more than 30 yards away from me.But most (99 percent) are stupid and don't pay attention to distance and come even as close as for me to be able to use my fear on them.
Keep your distance and kite. Kiting as a hunter may sound funny but it is the key to success
I don't generally run away from 24 hunters, per se, because there's generally not a great deal that can be done to escape them. But if I see in WSG that midfield is being held by enemy hunters (or, gods forbid, hunters backed by a healer), I'm definitely going to go in the opposite direction or wait until I have more teammates with me--on my own, there's simply nothing I can do in that situation.
When I'm on my druid and I see a flock of Hunters (it's a flock right? army? convoy? throng? herd?) Yeah... anyway, I smash prowl so hard. Coward, yes I am. Nothing else really scares me. ^That applies to my Mage/Rogue/Pally/Warrior - squish-tastic characters as well. When I'm skilling it up on my Hunter I'm not afraid of anything. Power Overwhelming. Yeah....

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