Hunters or pallies with a lot of health. Can't really run from rogues as you don't see them until it's too late.
Hunters are just retardedly OP and the crutch for bad players in this bracket. It will be interesting to see how many elite pvp'ers suddenly lose interest in their favorite class once MoP rolls out.
On my priest, I only fear good mages. On my resto shaman everyone, but I at least enjoy purging the fort off them (because then I know they whine at the priest on their team to refort them no matter what is going on).
BUT, any Decent Pally or Priest 1300 hp+ that can DPS and heal themselves beats me 9 out of 10 times. I've lost almost every duel to them and really want to know if ANY Hunter (F2P) can beat a Good Pally better than 50% of the time? Anyone?