Their is no greater satisfaction then watching new players with no gear slowly but surely pick apart opposing teams DPS, watching them succeed, and watching them just have fun in general, while i'm in the background keeping them up.
For me, healing has never really been anything other then wanting to make other players around me better. I think anyone who is a dedicated healer also shares this mentality to an extent.
Personally, i'd rather be in the background healing my teammates while they go superstar DPS mode. An exceptionally aware healer can bring out the best of the players around them, their teammates will build confidence knowing that no matter what they get themselves into, their is a dedicated healer right behind them.
I might just be weird and take this game too seriously, but i absolutely LOVE to heal and watch other players shine on the battle field.
That being said, until the nerf is 100% battle fatigue, you will find me healing players in the gulch and basin.
When the nerfing is done and the dust has settled, only the true healers shall remain. (;