Bast class for lvl 19?

Grabco said:
I know what you are trying to say, you are confusing skill with skill cap...but Ease of use and effectiveness are directly correlated with the skill it takes. Easier to play classes take less skill. SKill cap is an entirely different argument in which hunters, shammies or priests might come out on top

A bad player will still be as lackluster on any class, it's just on some classes he can still be fairly useful to the game, where others he will not. The main thing i'm trying to get at is that you said "here is a quick list of the skill level required to play well". I think you must've just meant to word that a bit differently.
Lovestotwink said:
feral druid are fun, frost mage, warrior in any spec are cool just take a good healer with u.

Yep defo feral. I have a 19 twink feral, Infected wounds is great, I stacked haste so mangle spam. the bleeds are decent and my ferious bite hits hard!
Grabco said:
Playing a class well depends on skill level here is a quick list of skill level required to play well.

Low skill level: Hunter or Paladin.

Medium skill level: Rogue, Arcane mage, Priest, Balance Druid

High skill level: Ele/Resto/Enhance Sham, Feral Druid, Lock

Highest skill: Warrior

this is why i love you! (no homo lol)
EU or US ?

US Alliance classes by popularity:

Hunter/Rogue/Pally (too many)


Lock/Shammy (very few)

Balance/composition is only one factor; and you should probably choose something you'll enjoy. But, get four rogues on an Ally team and you have almost zero focus/team cohesion. And, only maybe 10% of Ally classes that are capable of healing like to do so (and bless them for it !! )

There is greater class variety on the Horde side, tho hunters/pallies/rogues also are over-represented. Horde have great heals, no question. And there are some sick mages, and now more'n'more ferals really going to town. Seems like locks and shammies are only represented by a very few very good players. More warriors lately, but some are kinda 'meh'.

Edit: I should acknowledge that this is just my casual observation of pugs. I know there are tons of great toons out there (on both sides) and I probably don't see a lot of the good players if they're queuing in groups.

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