

so i noticed a few months ago if you bandage someone(other than yourself) the bandage will not break even if your target is taking damage (this is DIFFERENT than how it used to be)!

this works great for healing through burst especially @ 19 due to bandies ticking for 250 a second. it will not break unless the person casting the bandage is hit so as a rogue its great to pop out of stealth and heal people :p.

knowledge to the people!!
yep i actually find myself heal botting a lot on my 19 rogue, its great in crutch situations when your FC is being focused
yea its amazing and can mitigate so much burst in the 19 bracket if used sneakily, more people should do it
It works really well in every bracket, even high-burst brackets like 49s. Plus the use range is pretty far, like 10 yards to get started, and maybe 15 yards before distance breaks the bandaging. A sneaky dps can actually pump out as much "hps" as some healers by using bandages, so don't afraid to SpiderMan a poor teammate back to health!
Bwappo said:
It works really well in every bracket, even high-burst brackets like 49s. Plus the use range is pretty far, like 10 yards to get started, and maybe 15 yards before distance breaks the bandaging. A sneaky dps can actually pump out as much "hps" as some healers by using bandages, so don't afraid to SpiderMan a poor teammate back to health!
Us sneaky lvl 1-5 twinks have been doing this for awhile :)
bumping the ultimate useful trick did it about 13 times today in total throughout my gulching day and saved about 4 FCs
This will actually make a huge contribution to the 20s bracket. Thanks for sharing this!
Lol all 9 ppl in a premades make a bandage chain. Person on ebanfages person 2 . Person 2 bandages person 3etc

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