It's crazy to think how much a bracket can change in a year . . .
Pepridge farms remembers bwl/nazgrel/misha/mg/aeriepoop and the good ole days of gnomeball , kochi events, and realm rivalries.
Nothing for us Vashj kids?:/
It's crazy to think how much a bracket can change in a year . . .
Pepridge farms remembers bwl/nazgrel/misha/mg/aeriepoop and the good ole days of gnomeball , kochi events, and realm rivalries.
tbh i was going to put it after nazgrel then i was like well i don't want to put misha to far behind bwl even though it wasn't in any particular order and then i just forgot to put it back in. So if it makes you feel better i totally thought about you guys i just was a klutz and misplaced you.Nothing for us Vashj kids?:/
Ban: Lenny
Bm: who cares
Mod: watabae
Lol I'm sorry I played feral last Sunday it's just that I got shat on by 6 ferals on my mageOhh I see, he wants us to choose who to ban / mod / bm out of the three he listed!
Ban: Alleybeboa, Neon, Inoobupro + anyone and everyone who plays FotM
It's crazy to think how much a bracket can change in a year . . .
Pepridge farms remembers bwl/nazgrel/misha/mg/aeriepoop/vashj and the good ole days of gnomeball , kochi events, and realm rivalries.
I rolled an ele just for the specific purpose of becoming the David Beckham of gnomeball, and then that patch killed it.Gnomeball probably the single most fun event held, if only espn picked it up for a season. The zg wpvp event also was great. Reminded me of old bgs where we could fight for hours and chill. Rip 30 drain lifes at onceyou'll be missed. Then the realm rivalries were always fun to play.
ban:trialkiller talarac zelpher
bm: me
mod: burg
Ohh shots fired... so I got a "Gucci Mane And OJ Da Juice - Vette Pass by"? I don't get it lol
Cause I won't let you farm my trials anymore? Fuck off with that "Name" of yours.
Farming my team when I am "actually in it' NO, "the truth always comes out" AFK more when my team is farming your team. ASSHOLEWon't let me farm trials anymore? I've had plenty of games where my team is farming yours to the bone... the difference is I don't sit GY with them, thanks though.
Also, I'm glad you like the name.![]()
Farming my team when I am "actually in it' NO, "the truth always comes out" AFK more when my team is farming your team. ASSHOLE
Ohh wow you're already calling names. Did I hurt your feelings or something? Yeah I see you afk a lot of games where my team farms yours come to think of it, so you can't really talk shit about that.
Gratz on farming with pre-mades btw, trying to call me out for farming trials...