Balancing the f2p bracket

i am thinking why do most f2ps 20s hate us alot. All we do is balance the brackets from alliance eyepatch cyclops hunters?

i want both theopinions of f2ps and 24s here so please "no gtfo out of our forums"

i play a 24 hunter and personally i see my self as balancing the bracket as when i queue 8/10 alliance are geared up while only like 3/10 horde are geared so i decided to help balance things on the horde side by rolling a 24 horde hunter.
Im going to go ahead and give this a legit answer from my opinion, and i think most can agree with me. When you bring a 24 hunter in, and roll those cyclops' down, they think... hmm i know some people that can get 24's and help me too, and they get their 24's and they roll more new WoW players, and us f2p 20's that aren't NE and Human Hunters get caught in the mix up because we just want to have fun. I totally understand why you roll a 24 hunter. But, why not roll something like a horde rouge, resto shaman, holy pally, disc priest, etc, something that can kill a hunter, because otherwise you just add to the vicious cycle of "oh im just balancing the bracket."

I hope that you actually take this answer into consideration, but i doubt you will.
You aren't helping the bracket.

Most hunters in the F2P bracket are baddies who either do one or all of the following:

1. Back peddle

2. Click

3. Keyboard Turn

In PvP, anyone can out smart someone who uses that. I've seen hunters who can crit me for 500+ dmg every 1.5 seconds, but as soon as I notice they do one of those 3 things; I can easily out play them.

First thing you should know is that Skill > Gear. People who are complaining about the gear disadvantages are usually the people who don't have the time and patients to grind honor for BoA gear. Second thing you should know is that making a 24 hunter does not help the bracket, all it does is encourage people to make 24s since you can't win fairly as a F2P against another F2P.

It's all in your head if you think gear > skill.
My horde 24 hunter is easy to take out with. Skill or not, heals, stuns and 3 hunters shooting at me normally take me down quite quick. If I had more skill, I could dodge the arrows, silence the pally heals and side step the HoJ. What does this bring this conversation, nothing. Just thought I would say it.
oh so just because i have a different opinion from you i am trolling?

if thats the case then your trolling me

i just wanted a thread where 24s and f2ps can share their opinions about this subject but i get accused of trolling instead......

just trying to fix the 20-24 bracket you know? some of us actually cares about it
thenoobpwner said:
just trying to fix the 20-24 bracket you know? some of us actually cares about it

This sort of reverse psychology does not fool anybody. There is not a single soul on these forums that genuinely believes that the trial account players are the problem, and the 24 griefers are the salvation. No one including yourself, if you were being honest. You, sir, fail.
with the alliance team being 80% geared while the horde being 30% geared rolling a 24 on horde solves the balance problem better
Look at his account name and tell me that he's not a troll.

Fyi, your facts are wrong by a mile. There's a vast number(much larger than any lvl 24 twink guild) of Horde F2Ps on Aerie Peak that out gear even some of the 24s.
thenoobpwner said:
with the alliance team being 80% geared while the horde being 30% geared rolling a 24 on horde solves the balance problem better

Please leave with your completely made up BS statistics. If you're going to be a jerk in game and do jerky things, don't come to the people you are being a jerk to and try to convince them that they deserve it. That's adding insult to injury. If you're going to be a jerk, OWN it.
first i m not a troll its just a name i used since i played CS

secondly i am sure most of you will agree that alliance outgear the horde sure my statistics might not be correct but alliance does out gear the horde and i am trying to balance it
Jdoring said:
Im going to go ahead and give this a legit answer from my opinion, and i think most can agree with me. When you bring a 24 hunter in, and roll those cyclops' down, they think... hmm i know some people that can get 24's and help me too, and they get their 24's and they roll more new WoW players, and us f2p 20's that aren't NE and Human Hunters get caught in the mix up because we just want to have fun. I totally understand why you roll a 24 hunter. But, why not roll something like a horde rouge, resto shaman, holy pally, disc priest, etc, something that can kill a hunter, because otherwise you just add to the vicious cycle of "oh im just balancing the bracket."

I hope that you actually take this answer into consideration, but i doubt you will.


Against my better judgement I played a couple of Trial Cap bracket games again, and basically the first few games got ruined by having a 24 Paladin on our team making the opposing team's attacks futile, and the post-midnight games got ruined by the opposing team having two

24 Rogues that basically one-shot every Flag Carrier.

What? The opposing team can have 24's and your own side none as well?

Yes, that's the whole vicious cycle thing in action.

Just as there should be made no excuses for GY camping ('valid tactic' my ass; before the GY change everybody thought it was lame and now all of a sudden it's a 'valid tactic'? I think not) if only because it sets of a spiral of lameness, the same with fielding 24's.

(and personally I am not that keen on premades in a PUG-environment, either, the more because Starter accounts can't pre-made themselves)
thenoobpwner said:
first i m not a troll its just a name i used since i played CS

secondly i am sure most of you will agree that alliance outgear the horde sure my statistics might not be correct but alliance does out gear the horde and i am trying to balance it

Wrong again, there's plenty of horde F2P twinks on horde that are just as geared as alliance.

2 Nights ago we had 40+ people on at once on Horde AP; half of them were just as geared as my lvl 20.

thenoobpwner said:
first i m not a troll its just a name i used since i played CS

secondly i am sure most of you will agree that alliance outgear the horde sure my statistics might not be correct but alliance does out gear the horde and i am trying to balance it

Out of curiosity, do you play US or EU, and at what times?

It is correct though that your random Alliance toon will be a stronger geared toon than your random Horde toon, as the Alliance gear is a) much easier to gather and generally b) higher iLevel.
I play US and if i give you my stated time that i play it is not accurate but vary day to day. i am sure most of the 24s on this forums will agree with me on this that rolling 24s will actually help balance the bracket since a random alliance is more geared than a random horde

oh and i am not linking my toon as i heard alot of p2p play by f2p restriction so i dont wanna get hate whispers

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