Balance Druid, Waste of time?


The thought of stealthing up on someone to cast and/or heal makes me happy, but the damage I'm seeing makes me sad. I don't have JP BoAs yet, so I haven't given up on the hope that speccing Balance of Power and swapping hit for crit or more int on my gear might improve my damage. I have looked over the druid guide, but that only takes one so far. Has anyone else toyed with this spec? Any thoughts, tips, and gear choices would be appreciated.
been interested in this too, one thing is a link to a guy who is BiS, another thing is, does he kill things? (a comment from riv. himself would be appreciated<3)

babylazerchickens ftw<3
I kill many, many things. Pretty much everything has to be hard casted and you have no interrupts so you don't wanna try soloing people, but if people are around to peel and interrupt for you you will rape face.

Edit: Is this a new toon completely lacking GF'd gear? I will say that balance is kinda pointless on alliance because you miss out on all the important gear, not saying it wouldn't work, but you'd be pretty gimped. The best way for me to spec requires dread pirate ring to hit cap since 3/3 nature's grace and 3/3 starlight wrath is the best way to go. If I were to roll a new druid then I would hit cap with spidersilk and aquisition bracers. Balance of power is really only a place holder for me until I can win a DPR. For non-grandfathered gloves and belt I would use wild rider's gloves and satchel belt of the vision respectively.
Cashmar said:
What's the point of minor speed? Better get +5 hit and spec propperly imo. That's with the GF'd druid belt though.

It's for when you're indoors, or running around MF spamming. I ran without it for awhile, Hotbot did as well, after putting it on our boots we both came to the conclusion that minor speed is far, far better than any other option.
Rivfader said:
Starsurge just ate another nerf, ~750 is what I crit for eclipsed.

I used to always wanna make a balance druid in 19s, but back then I only saw one ever. and inferno robes still have firepower lol
Druid has been my favorite class ever since my buddy gave me his account info back in vanilla where he had a 60 rdruid and 60 enh shaman. I made my 19 right before the shattering and got all the GF'd gear because I knew that eventually I'd want to play one at 19. It's fun, the hardcasted spells do a lot of damage, but it takes some great positioning to really make them effective. Balance actually has a pretty high skillcap, especially with all the goddamn rogues that love to hug my nuts.

Riv is on point on what he posted above, Balance Druids are like locks in the fact they work beter in groups, a free casting balance Druid can really cause some High pressure on the efc especially if you have an eclipse and you blow lb and troll racial, critting 700 starfires every 1.87 secs with a starsurge on cd can melt shit extremely quick, just ask esopee :p I was free casting on him wilst in vent and he said and I quote

" wow hotbot wtf was that"

Only downfall is how squishy we are rogues and hunters pull us apart like a hot chicken

And riv my hair is red now, come at me :p

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