Axione finds in WoD beta


-Blizz now added a toy box collection it allows you to use all vanity items across all toons (tcg included) means u can get vanity items on a level 90 and it if doesnt have a level req on it you can use it on all your 19s (great news for me :p) -----druids no longer remove the vanity costume buffs from shifting same goes with shamans too i assume

-boomy- no longer have sunfire but has 3 charges of starsurge
-guardian druid- get a new passive buff (wwwoooooott!) Resolve: increases your healing and absorption done to yourself, based on stamina and damage taken (before avoidance and mitigation) in the last 10 seconds.

-pally- holy - word of glory is now going to be a 1.38 cast(holy shock is still instant) forbearance is only 1 minute, now have seal of command (melee attacks deal 10% additional holy damage)

-sham- ghost wolf looks different - imgur: the simple image sharer

-mage- new talent (replaced PoM) - Evanesce- Fade into nether, avoiding all attacks against you for the next 3 seconds ,castable while other spells are on gcd

-hunter- survival - get a new passive thingy majig - survivalist (passive) increase your multistrike chance by 10% / after killing a target , you gain 15% health over 10 sec.

- monk - it says that they are getting transcendence and transcendence: transfer ... it lets me cast transcendence but not port to it sooo idk if they are going to fix it or remove it .......... no more combat conditioning no more combo breaker no more swift reflexes
BM: get the same ability as the druid :( Resolve: increases your healing and absorption done to yourself, based on stamina and damage taken (before avoidance and mitigation) in the last 10 seconds.

-no more lifeblood from herbalism or crit from skinning

Shadowfang changed-
imgur: the simple image sharer

assassin's blade changed-
9-18 1.80
4agil 3 crit

goblin screwdriver -
9-17 1.80

foreman's gloves-
5 haste

banit stachel cloak-

spidersilk boots-

toughened leather armor-
12 stam

arena grand master-
11 stam
903 bubble

lavishly jeweled ring-
5 int
3 crit

ello's band-
3 crit

i'll update it as soon as i find new shit

+ima be doing quests to see if anything is going to be gf'd
need 1 more person to test skirmishes with purj add me btag if u can Axione#1553

me with max stam set in bearform 7163 hp (in balance spec 600% increase armor pretty sure that's bugged ....
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Does that mean Shadowfang is useless? Or is that proportional with the overall scaling?
Does that mean Shadowfang is useless? Or is that proportional with the overall scaling?

not sure yet
i dont have many swords to compare it
i think it will still be bis though... i'll look deeper into it though

BM: get the same ability as the druid :( Resolve: increases your healing and absorption done to yourself, based on stamina and damage taken (before avoidance and mitigation) in the last 10 seconds.

Resolve is a replacement for vengeance you'll find that all tanks have it. However to my knowledge BMs don't have access to any absorption or healing at lvl 19 apart from colossus prove me wrong (i don't know what abilities are available in WoD)
as if anyone will be playing this retarded bracket come wod

come to 90s and face the big boys nerds
combo breaker for monks is should still be in game and is a level 15 passive for windwalker monks... i cant confirmed but i assume from wod talent calculators...

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