To each their own, I respect that, but 19 to me seems VERY stale. Certain classes are just stupid, and the lack of abilities available to other classes to counter them is equally as stupid. Many of these classes have their issues at 29 as well, I won't disagree on that or fail to mention it, but the difference between the brackets is the broadened ability to counter some of those classes' mechanics. On top of that, it seems that there's a lack of diversity due to available gear which means (for the most part) there's lots of clones walking around in identical gear (again, much alike to AP-stacked Combat Rogues at 29). Druid and Shaman are the only classes (minus pallies IF they take the talent) which can run swiftly through the gulch. Does that not piss you guys off? I mean, post-twenty everyone has mounts so it's not as big of a big deal, but i'd hate to lose games due to such a simple flaw. In addition, some classes have next to no skills available at 19. It seems a little.. dull...? Oh, and disc priests; WTF?! It seems some classes just simply have a greater number of their beneficial abilities available to them at 19 than others and to me that heavily out-weighs the unbalance of a Brewmasters' guard or a Ferals' bite at 29. The last time I entered a BG at 19, it was hunters, balance druids, rogues and disc priests all stacked. Anything else just felt sub-par.
But that's my experience, & to each their own.
I do miss 19's, but in their current state, it feels like an out-dated bracket.