First I'd like to say expect these Gems to get the nerf bat also, 2 already have. For now they are BiS for pretty much every Twink up through Level 30, maybe higher. That said, they're all Unique-Equipped (1). The Event spawns every ~2 hours and the NPC's will Yell in Local once it's up. Here are the basics and I have a bunch of SS's to share as well.
Assault at Bash'ir's Landing
Bash'ir's Landing is an Ethereal base located in Blade's Edge Mountains. Every 2 hours, the Sha'tari Skyguard launches an assault to Bash'ir's Landing, and they need your help to succeed.
The assault, once a very difficult event to complete, requiring a full 25-man raid in BC, is now easily soloable. The event requires you to defend the Sha'tari Skyguard from waves of ethereal mobs:
Yes, you need someone to fly you up there or Lock-closet the Party up there. DH's, dying in just the right spot below and some clever Parkour tricks with Goblin Gliders CAN get you there as well.
Here are some pics of the how and where. The 2nd Post will be general SS's of the Event and Vendors' goods from the perspective of a Level 10.

Assault at Bash'ir's Landing
Bash'ir's Landing is an Ethereal base located in Blade's Edge Mountains. Every 2 hours, the Sha'tari Skyguard launches an assault to Bash'ir's Landing, and they need your help to succeed.
The assault, once a very difficult event to complete, requiring a full 25-man raid in BC, is now easily soloable. The event requires you to defend the Sha'tari Skyguard from waves of ethereal mobs:
- Wave 1 - Defeat a handful of Slavering Slaves and a Bash'ir Flesh Fiend.
- Wave 2 - More Slavering Slaves and a few Bash'ir Subprimal appear, as well as 3 Disruptor Towers. You need to advance and destroy all towers to proceed.
- Wave 3 - Bash'ir Controllers and Bash'ir Reckoners spawn.
- Wave 4 - The Grand Collector spawns and becomes attackable after you kill enough NPCs.
- Shifting Amethyst - 40 Apexis Shard Nerfed 11/18/20, only gives 1/1
- Timeless Amethyst - 40 Apexis Shard
- Purified Amethyst - 40 Apexis Shard
- Reckless Citrine - 40 Apexis Shard
- Jagged Mossjewel - 40 Apexis Shard
- Deadly Citrine - Nerfed, only gives 1/1
- Tense Unstable Diamond - 160 Apexis Shard
- Imbued Unstable Diamond - Nerfed, only gives 3 Int/5% Stun Resistance
- Charged Crystal Focus - 3012* Health at 10, 5 minute CD
- Combine (1) Depleted Crystal Focus (sellable/tradable) with (10) Apexis Shard (Soulbound) to make the above
- YES they still drop, YES they drop from ANY NPC in Bash'ir's Landing, YES they still work at 10
- *Disabled in BG's, credit @Ctm
- EDIT: It appears the Heal may no longer work, or is situational to a specific area like Ogri'la, more testing needed to confirm.
Yes, you need someone to fly you up there or Lock-closet the Party up there. DH's, dying in just the right spot below and some clever Parkour tricks with Goblin Gliders CAN get you there as well.
Here are some pics of the how and where. The 2nd Post will be general SS's of the Event and Vendors' goods from the perspective of a Level 10.

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