EU+US Assassination


Been thinking about giving assassination a try just looking for some feed back about it overall. Is it at all viable?
Yes it's actually the most fun rogue spec I'd say .But you won't get much burst. Just very good sustained damage
I'd still go vers since it affects all your damage even Ele force.
Yeah I've been trying out haste, and multistrike, I've been curious about Crit, but you do have a point with the vers
I think my Assassination spreadsheet is still up to date. Haste stacking seems very interesting.....
Seems haste is viable too. Since it increases Ele force proc rate and auto attack speed (auto attack speed= more crippling poison applications) you would be sticky asf
Yooo cluse what up man it's basics can you link me this sheet?

Rogue DPS Stats Spreadsheet

I posted it in the veterans section >.<

The Combat spreadsheet should be spot on. Some guys in the thread helped me out to make sure it was 100%. I made the Assassination spreadsheet but I would check the numbers in game to be sure


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