EU+US armory lists

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Server: Tichondrius- Alliance
Recruiting: Selectively - open
War Gaming: Yes
Twink Cup Participant: Yes
Contact: Dimebrew
Windwalker 4 life.
Banned toons will be back in a few months time, no need to take them out.

From Pizza on my toon being removed "I removed players that I viewed to be less active." And that was after I spoke out against him... So how is your relationship with Pizza. Bet it is very active and loving. :)

So 6 months of being inactive doesn't matter, we have very smart people as mods... You forced him to add players, that should say all you need to know about this bullshit of a thread.

Removed banned kthx

This will happen everyday, unless I'm unable too.
From Pizza on my toon being removed "I removed players that I viewed to be less active." And that was after I spoke out against him... So how is your relationship with Pizza. Bet it is very active and loving. :)

So 6 months of being inactive doesn't matter, we have very smart people as mods... You forced him to add players, that should say all you need to know about this bullshit of a thread.

Removed banned kthx

This will happen everyday, unless I'm unable too.

Every twink I fund/every day I send people to this thread. Far from bs. I'm not sure what your little crusade against SR and Harvest is about but the forums aren't the place for it.
Every twink I fund/every day I send people to this thread. Far from bs. I'm not sure what your little crusade against SR and Harvest is about but the forums aren't the place for it.

Harvest I'm fine with, even chatted with HB after he called me a mongoloid for speed potting. SR is fed everything they want/ask for from TI, and that includes you. Pizza removed my toon after I spoke out against him and used "inactivity" as the reason. I seem to remember playing more on my hunter than his main druid since the wave yet the only reason he put more names was because of mods.

Removed banned kthnx
why do you want to be on the list so bad

Was up there for months until I spoke up against pizza, but I'm back up there. Just want the inactive toon removed after the answer he gave me for removing mine.
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