Argent Champion Title at Level 10


Achievement Hunting
I know not many use the forums anymore, we celebrate on Discord, but I still find it a nice way to immortalize a grind as its easy to look up in later years. It's also a nice way to leave a trail behind for anyone who wants do this grind.

Three of my biggest twink grinds are now finalized. With 100,000 Hks (character specific) achieved earlier this year, and now Argent Champion at level 10, I can say with pride I've completed all insanely long twink grinds on my level 10 (the 3rd grind being Ethereum Prison cell keys all Exalted, but was on retail many years ago).



How was this done?

From looking at old 2010 Twinkinfo posts about Beastly xD

Argent Dawn rep was obtainable from killing ghouls/abominations (less than half of the mobs in the village) in Corin's Crossing (10 rep ea) in EPL up until Cata pre-patch.

On my way to Exalted:

Argent Crusade is obtainable from killing any mobs in Corin's Crossing in EPL as of Cata pre-patch. Same place, diff rep now from Cata onward. Nice tabard at Friendly.

As of the ZG/ZA patch in Cata, the 375 Honor to 250 Justice points converter npc has been added in SW/Orgrim, allowing us to purchase for 16 JP each. Takes 2700 honor or so to get Exalted.

The unique feature about Argent Champion title is that it is character specific. Rare nowadays with all the acc wide stuff, like unfortunately, my "of the Horde" title :(

Anyway, didn't post my 100k achiev on here either so there it is.


As far as I know I am the only low level on NA to have obtained both these titles. I know Pizza wasn't too far behind on HKs, but rip cata pvp now.

What a journey.

I think I can rest in peace now.
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Grats! Few will understand the level of effort that goes into these achieves! I did ethereum prison key grind on my F2P before account-wide achieves and it's a grind I would never wish even upon my worst enemies :p

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