

Who remebers the good old days when the only best shoulder's were the talbar or when every spellcaster was rolling inferno robe's or tree bark jacket oh and arena. What do you guys think of blizz getting rid of arena for the level ninteen bracket?
I think; these kind of posts where made a long time ago; when arenas were first removed.
Arena was removed? Oh wait, I guess these 2v2/3v3 and sometimes 5v5 queues must be something else.
Opinion said:
Arena was removed? Oh wait, I guess these 2v2/3v3 and sometimes 5v5 queues must be something else.

I just got out of an arena before I read this post
parashimo said:
Lol I'm sure we all know he was referring to skirmishes... Not wg.

other than a TINY bit more planning in exchange for a guaranteed no-baddies, whats the difference?
chíll said:
other than a TINY bit more planning in exchange for a guaranteed no-baddies, whats the difference?

Ego tripping against people around the bracket.
Opinion said:
Ego tripping against people around the bracket.

true, dat

cba to be a proper troll because i am not smart enough to troll with more than these 10 frigging chars
Lmfao, imo just integrate skirmishes into war game interface patch that we are suppose to get sometime.
Blizz said skirmish wasn't popular. I think they're defining "popular" as lots of people using/liking skirmish, rather than a few hundred people using/liking it very much. Doesn't look like it's coming back.

I would be curious to see how skirmish looked in light of merged battlegroups.

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