Arena tips???

HoJ + Exospam.
get someone in your team to live longer than the people in the other team.
Hump the pillars as hard as you can, learn to fake cast, use hoj when it matters, and know when using exo will score you a kill. Hpals play very defensively, you shouldnt need to flash often.
dont forget to utilize focus target :)
Just remember: HoJ is overpowered. Set up a kill, and HoJ the healer when your target is @50% or below health.

LoS and Juke.

Only Exo spam when you need to, an OOM hpally is a dead hpally.
best way to get better at arenas (or anything) is to 1. practice, 2. observe people better than yourself


on this website, you can watch WoW players streaming their arena matches. it's not level 20, but just a small time investment of diligent observation will pay vast dividends for understanding arena gameplay better

good luck
We could resurrect the 'arena classes' idea.

Yes pleeease, don't even know why that died so quickly
I'd say a major portion of my game knowledge comes from watching the best players in the game stream on twitch. Hence, Shau likes to call me "wowiki"

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