Arena stats for 19 warrior?

I was wondering which gear sets/stats would be ideal for a warrior in 2v2 and 3v3 arena.

Many of the gear sets and enchants usually have more of one kind of stat other the other. I am wondering what kind of stats are ideal in arena at the 19 bracket.

(Whats better going for balance, lots of stamina, lots of crit/dodge, lots of haste, lots of attack power, ect...).

-How is stacking resilience? Do you lose too much in other stats?

You can get the 15 shoulder enchant, then get the BoA wg items instead of the PvE ones. You can also get 15 to chest. (Not sure if there are more).

-Stamina vs Attack power/strength vs agility/crit? Basically which stats would be the most important in a arena environment 2v2 and 3v3?

There are times when you have to choose between stamina vs str vs agi.... also weapon enchants.

Example: I was thinking throwing crusader on glacial stone, when crusader procs switch to bloodied arcanite reaper with 20haste on it? When taking lots of melee damage throw on board and sword with lifestealing.


Right now I feel stamina would be the most important in arena, resilience seems very meh... the 15 on shoulders and little bit on pvp trinket from boa wg one seems to be enough.

lvl 19 Alliance, Night Elf Warrior


Herbalism (is herbalism the best for warrior twink in arena?)

then either Mining or skinning (not sure yet)


Head: Lucky Fishing Hat- 100hp or 10 haste (not sure)

Neck: Sentinel's Medallion

Shoulder: Polished Spaulders of Valor- 30 sta 15 res

Back: Sentry Cloak- 70 armor or 3 agility (not sure)

Chest: Blackened Defias Armor- +4 all stats or 100hp (not sure)

Bracer: Beetle Clasps or Cavedweller's bracers- 9 sta or 9 str (not sure)

Gloves: Thorbia's Gauntlets or Gloves of the fang (not sure)- 10 haste

Belt: Cobrahn's Grasp or Deviate Scale Belt (not sure)

Legs: Grunt's Leggaurd's --- of the bear (not sure)- Nethercleft, nethercobra, 10haste

Feet: Fishing boots- boar's speed or surefooted (not sure)

Ring: Seal of Wrynn

Ring: Protector's band, blood ring, meadow ring (not sure)

Trinket: Inherited insignia of the....

Trinket: AGM or Swift hand of justice (not sure)

2h Weapons: Bloodied arcanite reaver, glacial stone, night reaver

enchants: crusader, 20 haste, fiery weapon, 25 agi, 15 str

1h weapons: Shadowfang, Del'rand

enchants: 15 agi, 15 str, lifestealing

shield: Redbeard Crest, Arctic Buckler (not sure)

enchant: 7 sta, shield spike, 10 block

Ranged: Charmed ancient bow, thick bronze darts, throat piercers (not sure)


Basically I have a lot of choices I am unsure about for arena, and how to spec/glyph.
ideally you will be running with a healer, you want a fast ranged weapon and a balance of gear favouring the attack power crit side of things but still with a good amount of stam, 1800-2000 hp + 250-300 ap + 20-25% crit is a nice arena set of gear, you also want grunts shields of blocking with a felsteel shield spike and a shield block macro for when you are focused by a rogue / warrior.

glyphs should be of charge(+5yard range) and hamstring
Resi is useless at 80 and even more useless at 19, i think 15 resi is like 0.50 or 2% dmg reduction. I would stack strengh ( RFC and WC has alot of gear) or a stamina gear witch the purpose of it to FC run or outlast some1 in 1v1. Your choice, stam of strengh.

It kinda sucks to balance the 2 of them since then a rogue can do way better
if you dont balance the two you either end up dealing no damage but being able to take alot meaning your healers goes oom and then you die. or you end up being so fragile a wet piece of toilet paper has comparable survival statistics and you die...

balance = fair dps, fair survival.

just as a level 80 comparison, go full t7.5 you got like 2600 spell power and you go pewpewpew and can 1 shot god.

go 1000 resilience you go pugh pugh pugh

in full pve gear = you die in 2 seconds

in full resi gear = you die in 10 seconds

resilience is really good at 80 if stacked well, at 19 not so much.
You cant really compear 80 PVE//PVP gear with 19 resi//PVE gear. Thing is with a "balanced" warrior is that almost any1 can you your job better. I would aim to be more unique.

and the strengh//AP gear i was talkin about gives you a 1400-1700 HP. Witch to me seems like a decent amount to me.

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