Arena do's and don'ts


Lets make a simple list of casual 'do's and don'ts' for arena. Feel free to contribute absolutely anything, it could be expert, intermediate or entry level info, all is welcome. Maybe we can help someone along the way. I'll start with this entry level golden nugget.

Do: Learn to take advantage of LOS.

Don't: Hang about in the middle with clear view of everyone.
Never strangulate into aura mastery / inner focus
as a healer play near boxes to los hexs / pollies.
Fake cast frequently to avoid lockouts.. but don't fake cast your self to death
If you play frost mage rush enemies as fast as possible, don't even bother LoS'ing and make sure to pop everything you have. Don't bother with poly its not instant, just spam frost nova and ice lance.
If you're fighting a team with a rogue and the other player is not stealthed, get in combat asap to prevent sap.
Primary's need to learn @arena1,2,3 macros for better reaction times.

(Mainly @ rogue)
Kick is a 5 second silence; be ready to ShD sap off of it - if they cast anything but an instant (healers particularly) you can sap them.
Learn your CC combinations, and remember that as a rogue, CC > damage
Hemo is more CP then backstab, meaning it gives you more control.

Shiv off those enrager.
#1 tip : ShS and ShD can, and in many situations SHOULD be used defensively.
(For hunters)

Do: Tranq

Don't: Channel Aimed
Primary's need to learn @arena1,2,3 macros for better reaction times.

(Mainly @ rogue)
Kick is a 5 second silence; be ready to ShD sap off of it - if they cast anything but an instant (healers particularly) you can sap them.
Learn your CC combinations, and remember that as a rogue, CC > damage
Hemo is more CP then backstab, meaning it gives you more control.

Shiv off those enrager.
#1 tip : ShS and ShD can, and in many situations SHOULD be used defensively.


(more like this please)

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