Warglaive was around on retail forums from WotLK launch, he's my very first DK. 
My forum toon was Blakstabbath before that.... he's back to TBC 29/39 when i found out there was a forum at all.
And if Wrongalot thinks he's the first to have zero rebuttal beyond "Warglaive doesnt even play!"... well that's just about how clueless he is. Cracks me up that he's trying to lay that one on chops too tho.
edit- to be honest, Glance reminds me a lot of Mightymigdet the pally (doubt you remember) who just spouted nonsense all day as fact and never once acknowledged it, just carried on to the next blurb of misinfo.
Freekin paladins.

My forum toon was Blakstabbath before that.... he's back to TBC 29/39 when i found out there was a forum at all.
And if Wrongalot thinks he's the first to have zero rebuttal beyond "Warglaive doesnt even play!"... well that's just about how clueless he is. Cracks me up that he's trying to lay that one on chops too tho.

edit- to be honest, Glance reminds me a lot of Mightymigdet the pally (doubt you remember) who just spouted nonsense all day as fact and never once acknowledged it, just carried on to the next blurb of misinfo.
Freekin paladins.

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