Are WG or Emblem heirloom items better?

As the title says, I was curious which is better for twinking. WG items seem to focus more on stam, where Emblem items usually focus on other stats such as str/agi/int.

Also, at what level does resil start to take affect? I heard it wasn't until 50ish but can't find a solid answer. If it is around then, would WG items be better for the resil alone?

I don't quite understand what you mean by when do they start to take effect. The BoA items with Resilience work at any level (1 Resilience at level 1), but the mixture of stats depends on your class. Most people take the stat mix, and most FC's take the stamina.
I heard from someone that resil doesn't actually affect characters until later levels in the game but they are probably wrong.
it works at lower levels, but resilience just converts terribly at lower levels as well, in 3.2 it's being changed and it might become something people actually start to use...maybe
Emblem gear usually has more PVE stats, such as hit.

SCS gear focuses more on PVP, stam and res.

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