Are racials relevant?

imo Touch of the Grave from Undead make it superior to all the other racials and they get a free pvp trinket with Will of the Forsaken...

for max survivability, Belf / Tauren both have a silence with Arcane Torrent / War Stomp which is nice, Belf gets a free Sinister Strike every 2 min with Arcane Torrent's energy regen and a Tauren gets a bandage time with War Stomp

For max dmg, Orc / Troll for their Blood Fury / Berserk and their Pet Dmg / Bow Specialization respectively is a handy list
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If you're rolling a rogue I'd definiatly roll with a Troll. The beserker buff is a really nice damage increase, and the increased health increase is definiatly nice. I love my lvl 1 rogue ;D
The increased regen is indeed very nice on trolls. I like Shadowmeld, since it resets combat, so it's good for PvE and for PvP. It helps you throw bandages in there sometimes too. You can sometimes regen a lot more than the extra 120hp you'd get from dual wielding AGM as a human. They kind of nerfed Shadowmeld(or healthregen?) and made it less effective, but it's still very useful.
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since they standardized the regen rate, I'm pretty sure that on a 500 hp Troll Rogue, you're regenerating somewhere along the lines of 5 HP every long as you're actually hitting your target, the Undead have a 1 in 5 chance each time they do dmg to heal for 24 HP and deal 24 dmg.

edit: here's the formula to figure out your regen per sec .011 x (current HP) = heal
edit 2: fixed the formula
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When da hell did they standarize regen? i havent been on in like two months but when i was playing my troll was regen close 10 hp per tick with my stam set on.. (in combat)
When da hell did they standarize regen? i havent been on in like two months but when i was playing my troll was regen close 10 hp per tick with my stam set on.. (in combat)

4.0.3 with the start of Cataclysm....

They changed it to a straight percentage of health every 2 sec making spirit a non factor. At level 1, the regen rate is 20% of maximum health outside of combat. Trolls get 10% added to that for 22%.

In combat, they get 10% of that or 2.2% of maximum health every 2 secs...or 1.1% every second. My above maths were 500hp, you regain 5hp every sec ... so every 5 sec you regen 25hp regardless of whether or not you hit your target...that would make my initial thought of Undead being superior incorrect.

Troll would definitely be the way to go. Undead would still be good if you're planning on pvp or pve low levels since Touch of the Grave also damages the target...
It's in the Troll starting area, but all Horde Rogues can get the quest
Are racials relevant for a level one twink? If so, which horde race has the best racials for a rogue/hunter?
I'd say arcane torrent for rogues atleast. And if you're planning an alliance as well, Darkflight is incredible for hunters :)

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