The cloaks from the summer event have primary stats and one of the trinkets from brewfest has int. but thats it.I hope this doesn't mean that the other holiday drops have no primary stats. That'd make me a sad Cookie.
I think secondaries are more important at low level than at high level because 1 primary is 1 AP/SP at 120 or low level, but 5 haste is around 1% at 49 and negligible at 120 (as a random example, or around 10 haste is approx 1% at 79 but again very little at 120). The neck is inferior to BoA necks because the heal is too good imo.
thats not how it works....
You say 1 primary is 1 AP/SP at 120 or low lvl, but you're failing to think in terms of ratios
Yes, 1 AP is 1 AP no matter what level you are, but that doesn't mean it holds the same value for a low lvl and a high lvl.
For example, I'm gonna use your numbers of 5 haste = 1% at 49 and 10 haste = 1% at 79.
Lets assume my 49 has 300 AP and my 79 has 600 AP.
If I were to increase my AP by 3, it would mean a 1% increase in damage for 49 and 0.5% increase in damage for my 79.
If I were to increase my haste by 5, it would mean a 1% increase in damage for my 49, and 0.5% increase in damage for my 79.
3 AP = 1% dmg increase, 5 Haste = 1% dmg increase at 49
3 AP = 0.5% dmg increase, 5 Haste = 0.5% dmg increase at 79
So your argument that secondaries scale better at lower levels doesn't make sense, because AP/SP scales (in a way) too.
Fair point! On my fury war I get by far most of my strength from procs, so I prefer to amp up the benefits of that with decent secondary distributions rather than focusing purely on AP.
If you are vet panda, then possibly. From a pure healing standpoint are non primary stat rings better? No. But if you want to make sure you survive, anything with tons of vers is going to be really good.I'm a mw monk, and I was wondering if the necklaces are any good.