Are 29s BGs popping or dead

title says it all I have a old PreTBC 19 twink that one drunk night I turned in PvP quest and leveled that I was thinking about taking to 29 so I can playit again.
bracket is dead....been that way a long time.

- has nothing to do with merged BG ques being bugged as some would tell you.

- has nothing to do with players leveling to 85 as some would tell you
yes sorry, US 25-29 bracket is a mort
Lathoriel said:
Please mention, that you are speaking about US 29 bracket ;P

EU'll be back Saturday for sure!
You know the clever thing to do when people ask these questions would be to just say YES....yes we're very active...all day long baby !!....... that way we get more people to que obviously increasing the chances of games popping. See, genious right there :p lol

AkAPatriot said:
Threads like this really need a EU or US sign.


srry I didnt think about US/EU at the time of post . I will fix this right now though.

@ Siwtz I Plan on it just was curious as the toon was a 19 twink from back in Classic and I hate seeing him rot he has a few cool unavailable things on him so I was deciding if I should take him to 29 or 39s
The 29 bracket is dead and will remain dead in the US. Not sure about EU.
Tomorrow is 29s biggest chance in ages to get a pop (EU)

I can't wait even tho the horde will have 100x better communication, seeing as apparently five of them are gonna be in the same room rofl.

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