Arathi Basin - EU - Saturday 27/11

Saturday in EUROPE - 27/11 - 16.00-22.00 (3 pm - 10 pm English time) we advise every 19 twink (especially in blackout battlegroup since rest appears broke) to queue up for Arathi Basin so we can get some AB games.

I've yet to see any AB games pop since that first one on launch day.

If you're a Guild Leader of a guild or can change GMOTD please inform players that Al'akir alliance will be queuing there.

Best regards,

Saves The Day,
Way to go, im up for it on Brosmash, will see if i can take my friend with me.
I'm in although i'm on reckoning, we will just have to wait and see if it works I guess anyway hopefully see you there
aight, i'll leave a note in the AAO MOTD incase you need more ally to boost your reserves. And so you dont get all the glory ;) Hopefully there will be more than enough to go around.
Sounds good guys.

The biggest things you can do is;

  • Show up on the day, sign queue.
  • Tell every 19 twink you know, regardless of faction. Convince them that it's time for SOME AB ACTION!
  • Put the message in your GMOTD if you are a guild leader or have the possibility.

I will see you on the battlefield!
We did have AB today!

I found it most of all boring.. was all like: yer new bg.. and the gates open.. meh damn I gotta run long.

so yer.... I found it to boring;/

But hey!, that's just me. I will however tell my guild about it.. and prolly also join in my self xD

Go wsg Go!
This needs to be moved to the front page of 10-19, so ppl see it once again - just as an reminder for todays AB games !
I'm in queue now, let's hope more joins in soon enough so we can get some games going! (I can imagine horde would be lacking) so all you horde out there, gogo! :)


Confirmed, horde IS lacking. We got loads of alliance queuing just from Al'akir alone. Gogo horde, queue up!
First AB's have officially popped. I'd like to thank EVERYONE for the games to come, keep queuing!

Match 1:


Match 2:


Fun guys - If possible keep queuing :) - there's loads of alliance that have been in queue for hours that don't get in for some reason (Dunno why) but we're trying to get all to have at least one go at AB! :)

Thanks to everyone joining.

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