Anyway to get Goblin out of zone at level 1?

Was wondering if it was possible to complete all quest or get a warlock summon once you got exp turned off by GM (See CIHC Trick) Anyone? -Thanks
I thought some of them needed level 5, just like the worgen zone where the last part need a higher level.
Actually, I think one of them requires lvl 3, but we can try it out tho.
nope you cant get out on lvl 1, you can get out as lvl 1 worgen druid though.

I got a lvl 24 worgen who stil isnt bitten :p, meaning hes stil a human :p. So basicly you can be a human druid without the racials now. Realy fun to do cause when your a lvl 24 worgen and u use the ability running wild (the worgen mount form) instead of running faster as worgen. now you your yust sprinting as a human. and when you stop running hes like in the position of doing push ups.

But im sorry there is no way to get out as lvl 1 goblin.

P.S. i got the way out from twinkinfo aswell ofc. For the people who havnt seen the video how to get out as worgen:

YouTube - WoW Starting Zone Exploits 4.0.3

Yes, I know about worgen, I'm wondering about goblin, if so, Could get quest reward and be a goblin level 1
ihazhealz said:
nope you cant get out on lvl 1, you can get out as lvl 1 worgen druid though.

I got a lvl 24 worgen who stil isnt bitten :p, meaning hes stil a human :p. So basicly you can be a human druid without the racials now. Realy fun to do cause when your a lvl 24 worgen and u use the ability running wild (the worgen mount form) instead of running faster as worgen. now you your yust sprinting as a human. and when you stop running hes like in the position of doing push ups.

But im sorry there is no way to get out as lvl 1 goblin.

P.S. i got the way out from twinkinfo aswell ofc. For the people who havnt seen the video how to get out as worgen:

YouTube - WoW Starting Zone Exploits 4.0.3


all goblin quests are possible at lvl 1 so thats how u get out..
That quest doesn't require level three. It requires you to use your level three move. (This is for all classes)
Hmmm. Worgen is also you cannot get him out of starting zone anymore i tried this earlier seriously it does not work invisible wall there.
You can get out found a new way some days before... When you are out of the HUGE gate just move forward, you will see some sort of "White line you can fall down 2" you wont die u will survive with 11 hp, now delete your HS and make auto unstuck now you will die, what u do now is Start to log out, when the log out screen is on 1 second realease spirit when u log back in u will be in westfall now fast walk out 2 the water and swim to SW "THIS IS POSSIBLE" U can get 2 sw and lock your xp Without getting a single level. Hope this helped u
You cant get out with the GM even if they try... to summon you it says "You cant leave this area before you have fullfilled the quest line or so" I had a GM trying 2 summon me yesterday..
Listen guys, don't do this. Me and Bon got both deleted and we have not got our stuff back. (Battered Jungle Hat, Formal Dangui etc.).. Just because we beat them in their own game..
Formal dangui!?!? Did you try ticketing them asking for your stuff back???

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