Anyone want to?

Hey all you users at twink info.

I'm getting a little bored of my realm,battle group,main,and twink.

I was wondering if anyone wanted to make a new character and I make one also,and we level together,on any realm,even their own if they wanted.

These characters could be twinks,or mains,but if they are to be twinks then I would need the others help to fund him.

Thank you,

If you're a good player using a <Insert Class You Are Best With> at <Insert Preferred Level To Twink At>, you can come to my realm and I'll fully fund you. Just note, I won't fund you until you show me some skill and that you're dedicated and capped at <Insert Preferred Level To Twink At> without XP. After that, I'll get you geared up. No, I don't have Spellshocks.
Does that include PvE? I wouldnt mind getting a PvE twink funded by you.. I would prefer to heal of course. Perhaps Druid
iaccidentallytwink said:
If you're a good player using a <Insert Class You Are Best With> at <Insert Preferred Level To Twink At>, you can come to my realm and I'll fully fund you. Just note, I won't fund you until you show me some skill and that you're dedicated and capped at <Insert Preferred Level To Twink At> without XP. After that, I'll get you geared up. No, I don't have Spellshocks.

Sounds good.

Truthfully,I'm good with any twink class besides maybe a druid/lock/mage.

the casters.

I'm really good at level 80 with them,but not as a twink.

I'll twink at whatever level your twinks at :D

and believe me,I'm pretty skilled,and very dedicated.

I probably won't get on anytime soon today tho,Kind of busy.
Evocate said:
Does that include PvE? I wouldnt mind getting a PvE twink funded by you.. I would prefer to heal of course. Perhaps Druid

nah not really,I'm looking for a pvp twink,I think Ima go with accidentally.
Evocate said:
Does that include PvE? I wouldnt mind getting a PvE twink funded by you.. I would prefer to heal of course. Perhaps Druid

At the moment I've funded 4 PvE twinks at 19. I will fund any bracket 10 - 49 for PvP, not sure about PvE higher than 19, though.
Does that include PvE? I wouldnt mind getting a PvE twink funded by you.. I would prefer to heal of course. Perhaps Druid

Because healing in PvE requires so much skill.
Rapt0R said:
Because healing in PvE requires so much skill.

5SR is the most important thing in PvE, and since Mana is the one thing that causes wipes, it may not be substantually hard, but if there's a wipe, you'll likely be the one blamed for it.

HP <- Heals <- Mana <- 5SR

Wipe <- Too much Damage <- Not enough Healing <- OOM <- Bad/Nonexistant Use of 5SR

With the Spirit nerf it's going to be even harder.

At 19 my 2 heals for Gnomer have 1800 - 2000 mana, with 16 - 18 MP5 in combat, 64 - 72 within the 5SR.
2k + as a healer at 80 2s 3s

Ulduar (up to General before I went casual after Ulduar was out for two weeks)

Lets hear your stats Raptor since you like talking so much shit =)

And yeah I want to try PvE healing, we will see how much we get to do on Bleeding Hollow ><

I want to see your main pretty badly now. You have one BoA equipped atm. I can understand not using any, I dont use many except for leveling b ut having 1 seems to indicate you arent that good at your main.

Lets hear your experiences at end game.

Hell my comment didnt even have anything to do with how hard it is.
well my twinks dont have any BoAs but thats because ive really spent em on valor bracers for my epic flyer, thats not really an indicator of how good your main is.
It is not.. but if you only have one it can be. For example... most good 80s didnt need to sell valor bracers for epic flier and thus have a lot more tokens.. I say most so its not a direct insult to yours or anything.
iaccidentallytwink said:
At the moment I've funded 4 PvE twinks at 19. I will fund any bracket 10 - 49 for PvP, not sure about PvE higher than 19, though.

I would be willing to make a new character {Sham/Druid/Priest/Pally/Warr} either 19/29/39 bracket for PvP or PvE, I am bored on my server atm with the low to non-existent twink community during the days/afternoons.

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