Anyone try multiboxxing in the 39 brackets?


i know follow doesn’t work in pvp combat anymore, but it seems like ranged class could still be fun. Has anyone tried it recently? Might try a couple mages.
I saw this priest twink from Moonguard multiboxing in a BG but it was a Moonguard twinking so he wasn't good.
Lmfao, I think his mic or settings got fucked. You used to hear him. But yeah, he's the only dualboxer I know of. Honestly you don't even need /follow that much anymore, just look at the formations and command queuing from this streamer. Multiboxing is getting closer and closer to just botting, especially with the amount of hardware scripting out there (Razer, etc).

Also, there's another clip iirc where he mentions spamming random key presses at times because he's paranoid about Warden detecting and acting on patterns in key presses.
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Well I have 2 accounts already and it would help farming items with my high level toon. I have macros for following which help, but it'd be quicker to box them instead, and if I get that setup, might as well try pvp. Might just try a couple of my 29s or 39s to see how it works. My resto shaman and hunter might be an interesting combo. Going to have to install Windows on my Mac to make it work, so that in itself should be interesting. I wish Elemental Shamans weren't so nerfed or I'd go that route. Chain Lightning is one of my favorite spells.

But two or three arcane mages are pretty devastating! I know, I've been there trying to run away from the missles. Seems like the hardest hitting caster is a resto shaman. But I don't want to be dps with a couple healers and mess up the BG lol. 2 maxed out balance druids could really dot the hell out of a team. I think 4 dots (sun and moonfire) would kill most players without a heal.
No /follow in pvp anymore you have to find ways around it.

As for this.

Lmfao, I think his mic or settings got fucked. You used to hear him. But yeah, he's the only dualboxer I know of. Honestly you don't even need /follow that much anymore, just look at the formations and command queuing from this streamer. Multiboxing is getting closer and closer to just botting, especially with the amount of hardware scripting out there (Razer, etc).

Also, there's another clip iirc where he mentions spamming random key presses at times because he's paranoid about Warden detecting and acting on patterns in key presses.

Everything you said is wrong except i don't talk on my twitch as much as there is no people around most the time when i do it like on Youtube. Brownie points on the imagination on why i have to press my buttons so quickly though, as for being paranoid, yes if 7 players are on me and 2 swapping stuns and silences which i see the good players doing in arena (well done to the players on the teams that have been beating me after i got the feel for things again!). Nothing has change from my boxing now to how i boxed 9 years ago, all the same. Just different functions of the program are now used to move with that strangely i used to use it to split my team off in all directions in a circle closing someone in and doing a simple 180 with them stuck in the middle of 5 mind flays. Now i use it as the conductor and controller of my characters.

I ran across a mage dual box the other day.

Seems like a lot of extraneous work for incredibly mediocre results.

You get amazing results, but damn right, its a LOT of HARD work, and why i love to do it, to tread the waters, that none usually would dare....and come out alive.

GG's/Arenas see you on the field.
I saw this priest twink from Moonguard multiboxing in a BG but it was a Moonguard twinking so he wasn't good.

You know i played on bleeding hallow for 10 years right?
Everything I mentioned about multiboxing (not your mic) was a direct quote, from not you, but a BFA streamer who uses 25+ accounts. I was referring to his software of choice and his clips.
Ya it looks like a bit of work to setup and play. I mean you are playing what usually takes multiple people to do. But it looks like a blast!
GOOD MORNING or well night, coming to you from a 4 day in a row no sleep binge (what required on MG for competitive play and when i see a challenge i stay and try and concur through it. Not server change to get carried, because well more fun yo carry yourself and TEACH other players, Just watch MG start coming into 39s from ALL DIRECTIONS. Not just my guild that you can twink in FOR FREE, ALL BIS GREENS + 300 eng, than FULL ARMOR SETS+SCALED EPICS WILL BE GIVEN OUT FOR /PLAYED IN GUILD, ARENAS AND OVERALL, HOW WELL YOU PROVE YOURSELF and all are welcome to join, and instantly get these items hitting 39, i used to boost EVERY guild member MYSELF to 39 and just GIVE them they gear after 29 or so times and some people leaving i have had to slightly change the ruling on that, especially for what is about to come.

aresego mega qt

Awe, i love you're guild, and games against them. Plus the friendly rivalry, tell omni to stop coming to my server, to Erp, as he tried with me once! At least keep it in goldshire my dude. :) As for lewd they can nice be nice.......uh get wrecked soon.

Everything I mentioned about multiboxing (not your mic) was a direct quote, from not you, but a BFA streamer who uses 25+ accounts. I was referring to his software of choice and his clips.

Than i am sorry....they don't know what they are doing! My bad brotha! <3


Finally watched Please god tell me he is not STARING AWAY FROM HIS MAIN CONTROL OR (HEAD/LEADER) TRYING TO JUST DO A SIMPLE TASK THAT TAKES 1 BUTTON X.O! OH my GOD it hurts. Re looked he is just hyper spawning hunters man and sending look most likely through portable mailbox...nothing new except half as many boxed as i usually see for mega farm/hyper spawners.


Well hes not a experienced boxing PvPer.....Or experienced none /follower (both relative because now i practice for pvp never using /follow in or OUT of bgs, i can see now why he is super paranoid, he has no idea what he is doing outside of /follow and is broadcasting poorly, YOU NEED A AMAZING HARD DRIVE, i may need to upgrade both my graphics cards now too to continue past 1800 to 1900 in arena, that is what my 2 terabyte SSD is for sitting here right next to me is for, i have just been too lazy to install, but maybe its about hela 3 more shadow priests may join for a bit (may stop say hello to the 39s quick while leveling 3 more 39 priests named hela, and either split off 5 boxing 49s or triboxing 49s, most familiar with triboxing as i did it over 2 years, and as for spamming buttons, for me i don't press buttons unless i know what they do and why i am doing them. Why major props goes out to the teams that understand this, and can win. I do yell but honestly its at myself not who beat me (except hunters) if you are gonna use glitched incendiary rounds (((PLEASE use ONLY OUT OF ARENA BEFORE I GET MADE AND BOX THIS! FAIR WARNING))), i did have 2 upset moments to scope and other hunters with glitched incendiary rounds on, know one will tell me how to do it off MG, and since i am solo yolo over here no one here to help but myself but i promise you i will get it! as it was confirmed my way was right my timing, wrong. SO with no experienced HELP here, on my server, NONE, honestly ITS JUST ME...I EVEN FARM ALL THE 39 and 49 SCALED GEAR (AGAIN THE ONLY Fin ONE!!!, i make a killing tho) so i do, sadly see you guys taking advantage off that fact you are, just a giant clique unwilling sharing to someone who has kept all these secrets under lock all 14 years of my twining plus all of my personal exploits from 2005 and 2009 (when i started boxing) for glitching into queues even AFTER a patch against it /flex /dab, but you forced my hand to never ever share to anyone anything anymore, as for what i am seeing you do with them, as this was a method i was ONE OF THE FIRST TO LEARN! *mumbles*. (thank god i have not had to use more methods and ways i learned in BC/vanilla, that i sincerely hope none of you get your hands on as i feel what you learn was past down from us in BC lucky not someone in the main circle and only knew one) but success rate with others....low till major practice is done so i as others will leave things be since WE DON'T WANT TO DESTROY THIS METHOD RIGHT?! I have about 320k down the drain trying 2 others (one throw away got through that was it) :mad: but you get it right xxxxx players...whoa was about to give big tip away...all xx xxxx xxxx will have it and can get it instantly, you online or offline. :) when i learn this i will.....uh *tries not to share too much* have 100's if not 1000's complete on BH...and you only pay, ONLY IF ITS ALREADY DONE! OMGSH :D, beat that @Thotfc. Although you guys have enough i think...i will just move xxx xxxx xxxx to moon guard...BECAUSE YOUR BELLIES ARE FULL ENOUGH! As seen here.


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melee team is the best and easiest

you dont even need follow or any external program at all

just Interact with Target/click to move so your team will focus that target and auto follow to attack

I never boxed 39s and last time i boxed was in WoD(and imho if you want to talk major shit 2-3 is not enough ...5 is not enough you need something like at least 7-10 to truly shut down kids and make them sit down)

but blizzard treats us like shit and wants everyone to play as one character/ be a single character only creativity allowed you need to be a NPC like everyone else

not my team(someone from EU but this happened during BFA )

Now mind you he wasnt zone disrupting but simply staying in one spot (no it wasnt a major quest hub or portal) being attacked by people wanting the bounty(who could have ignored him).


multiboxer went into a house with warmode on

some oligophrenics came by and were "griefed" and they were literally looking for pvp and got it

afterwards, they (unfortunately having just enough braincells to use the CS feature) opened up their "customer support" to complain to blizzard

blizzard gave a warning to the multiboxer guy

mmm classic blizzard and in that case I will take my money elsewhere
but blizzard treats us like shit and wants everyone to play as one character/ be a single character only creativity allowed you need to be a NPC like everyone else

I don't think it's some kind of crusade by Blizzard against player self-expression. If someone knows how to multibox well and they have enough accounts, it's creates a pretty terrible game play experience for everyone but the multiboxer. The game isn't designed/balanced around someone being able to land 5+ aimshots on a single target from camo as was popular among wod multiboxers.
melee team is the best and easiest

you dont even need follow or any external program at all

just Interact with Target/click to move so your team will focus that target and auto follow to attack

I never boxed 39s and last time i boxed was in WoD(and imho if you want to talk major shit 2-3 is not enough ...5 is not enough you need something like at least 7-10 to truly shut down kids and make them sit down)

but blizzard treats us like shit and wants everyone to play as one character/ be a single character only creativity allowed you need to be a NPC like everyone else

multiboxer went into a house with warmode on

some oligophrenics came by and were "griefed" and they were literally looking for pvp and got it

afterwards, they (unfortunately having just enough braincells to use the CS feature) opened up their "customer support" to complain to blizzard

blizzard gave a warning to the multiboxer guy

mmm classic blizzard and in that case I will take my money elsewhere

Why i have created my own rules and restrictions, cannot kill in bfa multiboxing over 110 ( they would feel to bad to re|Dort to bliz) i don't GRIEF in games unless game mechanics could and arenas are only 2v2 and 3v3 now NO MORE 5v5 why? boxing. LAST that is EU not US...
melee team is the best and easiest

you dont even need follow or any external program at all

just Interact with Target/click to move so your team will focus that target and auto follow to attack

I never boxed 39s and last time i boxed was in WoD(and imho if you want to talk major shit 2-3 is not enough ...5 is not enough you need something like at least 7-10 to truly shut down kids and make them sit down)

but blizzard treats us like shit and wants everyone to play as one character/ be a single character only creativity allowed you need to be a NPC like everyone else

multiboxer went into a house with warmode on

some oligophrenics came by and were "griefed" and they were literally looking for pvp and got it

afterwards, they (unfortunately having just enough braincells to use the CS feature) opened up their "customer support" to complain to blizzard

blizzard gave a warning to the multiboxer guy

mmm classic blizzard and in that case I will take my money elsewhere

Why i have created my own rules and restrictions, cannot kill in bfa multiboxing over 110 ( they would feel to bad to re|Dort to bliz) i don't GRIEF in games unless game mechanics could and arenas are only 2v2 and 3v3 now NO MORE 5v5 why? boxing. LAST that is EU not US...

Upon looking at this topic, I really hoped that it was possible again...
I used to box 4x 19's (druids) and 20x mains in wotlk/cata/panda. Until 5.2 when the /follow command was removed in bgs.

World pvp with multiboxing is easy but inside a bg, it's pain in the ... . Whenever a character would die and you have no ress option, you're going to find yourself having some struggles. I haven't found a way yet to do it 'properly' in a bg. So if somebody would find a way to 'properly' do it. I would be happy to Multibox 39's. I have 4 accs active atm for farming scaled epics so yea all good!
If I were to multibox 39's, I would have to go with resto shamans or druids (resto/balance), since they are the best option and viable for this bracket (for Mboxing). It's always nice to have an offheal & ress compared to being 4x mages and 1 dying and spawning at the other end of the map.

Kind regards
Tell me when u wanna learn, live all the time Past 13 t o 14 hours just /w Aresego-moon guard, or enter my stream
Well I have some hardware upgrades coming next week. Trying an ogpu with a 6 core Mac mini using Boot Camp Windows. Will try ISBoxer out Monday or Tuesday leveling some mages.

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