anyone testing agility classes on WOD ptr?

curious since agility no longer gives +crit, curious if we need to think about using crit or split agi/crit gems, to get crits in WOD

some classes get a +10% passive crit, but it appears ferals, WW, rogues, hunters, etc. will have to sacrifice AP to obtain sufficient crits
Hey, I'm playing a 60 rogue on beta, my crit is 23%, around 24.5% on live, so not much difference, I'll have to check it again later today because beta won't download at the moment, but I think it's because the 10% hit all got replaced with crit and haste, so it balances out the agility loss.
can you remove some agility items to your bag and see if your crit goes down? if it does that means they haven't removed the agility crit contribution yet
yes in WOD it is not supposed to, i know that, read carefully what you quoted and answered
yes in WOD it is not supposed to, i know that, read carefully what you quoted and answered

Dude, your posts make literally 0 sense every single time.

You asked whether or not Agi still gives crit on the beta.

The guy tells you that it does not.

You tell him that he's not answering your question?

Like, seriously?
BETA is not always updated fully to what the live version will be. that is why i asked

"can you remove some agility items to your bag and see if your crit goes down? if it does that means they haven't removed the agility crit contribution yet "

it's pretty clear, i'm not telling him he didn't answer my question, just requesting he check to verify the BETA info

-if he removes gear and crit drops, means BETA is not full WOD yet
-if he removes gear and crit stays, means BETA = WOD on that issue

the second part would mean to a agility based class along with his other information, that although agi no longer adds crit, there is no real loss off crit for those classes, and players won't have to crit stack gems like other classes do
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Don't forget crits won't be as good when WoD hits, it will crit 150% instead of 200% against enemy players.

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