Anyone seen Dual Glaive DKs yet in the 70 bracket?

Where the fuck is sanitarium with the Thank on justhealmes post
Soberlolz said:
Where the fuck is sanitarium with the Thank on justhealmes post

I chose not to read this thread because I assumed it would be full of mindless babble about stupid shit and then some smart person coming in and destroying said stupid persons argument into 17,000 different pieces.

But sure, I'll thank the guy.
You selena, (Jukin) so getting some RBG team together on LS <BC> (making a new guild maybe?) and talking to some people you down?

Legit team no bads aimming for R1 2400 etc hit me up in game on my shaman

EMCL or my Hunter Spedhunta
Deathforcen said:
You selena, (Jukin) so getting some RBG team together on LS <BC> (making a new guild maybe?) and talking to some people you down?

Legit team no bads aimming for R1 2400 etc hit me up in game on my shaman

EMCL or my Hunter Spedhunta

yeh im down im trolollololol the leaders atm.

I do need a High warlord.
Yes well this thread was only created so that i may take into account how many people have obtained glaives not because they are BiS they are actully quite shit for a DKs but as for the reason any and most twinks play in this bracket is to look "COOL" and dance around with "COOL" looking gear and Orange loots and anyone who takes 70 Twinking way to serious needs to go out side for a bit imo this bracket is way out balanced and full of Full Brutal glad geared scrubs.
Woodridge said:
Yes well this thread was only created so that i may take into account how many people have obtained glaives not because they are BiS they are actully quite shit for a DKs but as for the reason any and most twinks play in this bracket is to look "COOL" and dance around with "COOL" looking gear and Orange loots and anyone who takes 70 Twinking way to serious needs to go out side for a bit imo this bracket is way out balanced and full of Full Brutal glad geared scrubs.

^ this, farmed myself Thunderfury on my mage and of the horde to have a more special character ^^
Woodridge said:
Yes well this thread was only created so that i may take into account how many people have obtained glaives not because they are BiS they are actully quite shit for a DKs but as for the reason any and most twinks play in this bracket is to look "COOL" and dance around with "COOL" looking gear and Orange loots and anyone who takes 70 Twinking way to serious needs to go out side for a bit imo this bracket is way out balanced and full of Full Brutal glad geared scrubs.

70s are a lot more balanced then any of the other lower brackets. heh o.o
@ Hotpockets, Yeah some cases maybe but excuse my little rant at the end i just typed that after getting globalled by a Frost mage on my DK in arena haha
Woodridge said:
@ Hotpockets, Yeah some cases maybe but excuse my little rant at the end i just typed that after getting globalled by a Frost mage on my DK in arena haha

Most forums have a reply with quote button. I suggest you use it, makes things a lot more clearer, who wants to go look for some one else's post on a different page?
Well if i gave a fuck about the other people reading what replyed to someone then maybe i would
Wittyscrub said:
You being sarcastic bro?

played 19s or other lower brackets lately?

horrible balance

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