I'm on the iOS app so I can't do much for you but I'm putting together a purple xmog set for my boomkin that looks really good on a male troll with purple hair but I'm sure will look good on other races, and is unique from what I've seen.
First of all I highly suggest the adding Mogit, it automatically gives you a list of armor skins that are available to you and is very helpful for putting together an xmog set
Anyway, to see the one in working on, (which is a mixture of cloth and leather because of the BiS's for a boomkin), try:
Barbaric Cloth Vest
Ceremonial leather loincloth
Barbaric cloth boots
Gloves of the fang
Belt of the fang
Bandit bracers (for a little white coming out of the gloves)
Lasting feralheart spaulders
Cloak of the Darkmoon faire (alternatively, clerk whitesteed's cloak)
and preemptive staff
Try to put it together and tell me what you think, I'm interested in what else you may come up with