Anyone from Dead On Arrival - Elune?


Hey, I was just curious to see if anyone from the old school 19's guild Dead On Arrival - Elune (DoA) is still active as a twink since they broke apart

I haven't seen any names I recognize so far (Except Gracob) :(
What's up man?

<--- Tiny

I quit the 19 bracket ever since it got flooded with hunters, but then I created Nollix, my 70 warrior about a year and a half ago

Nollix @ Elune - Game - World of Warcraft

From my understanding Slayan and Slayest quit a little after Pk did, followed by the guild slowly falling apart.

But the 19 bracket starting sucking around that time anyway, so it didn't really matter.

But twinking never has, and still isn't my main focus. I was tanking for Tasty Beverage for a while until we died in Feburary, so that's when I decided to bring all of my toons back to Elune and pump the breaks on my hardcore raiding life -- which was shortly followed by the dust being brushed off my twinks. Working on a 60 priest as we speak. =]
Nollie said:
What's up man?

<--- Tiny

I quit the 19 bracket ever since it got flooded with hunters, but then I created Nollix, my 70 warrior about a year and a half ago

Nollix @ Elune - Game - World of Warcraft

From my understanding Slayan and Slayest quit a little after Pk did, followed by the guild slowly falling apart.

But the 19 bracket starting sucking around that time anyway, so it didn't really matter.

But twinking never has, and still isn't my main focus. I was tanking for Tasty Beverage for a while until we died in Feburary, so that's when I decided to bring all of my toons back to Elune and pump the breaks on my hardcore raiding life -- which was shortly followed by the dust being brushed off my twinks. Working on a 60 priest as we speak. =]

Ohhh Hey, Nollie I know you yea man Slayan did quit but shortly after I hit 85 me and Slayest (Her friend?) did some arenas together & omg I miss seeing little Pk ride on his turtle mount in IF =/

I was only in DoA for the last few months of it's existence but watching you guys Duke it out in Ironforge by that charcoal pit in the military ward was what really got me into twinking ;)

Nice 70 Warr! Good Luck on your 60 it sounds like a blast, heres a link to my 85 who's still on Elune Gravitor @ Elune - Game - World of Warcraft

Edit: I am not Imaseaturtle (though I do wanna know what happened to him!)
lol, Not dead on Arrival but I can tell you that a select few from Dynasty are still active man, between the ally guild and the horde guild :) hopefully were gonna start growing more.
Grimaldo said:
lol, Not dead on Arrival but I can tell you that a select few from Dynasty are still active man, between the ally guild and the horde guild :) hopefully were gonna start growing more.

Yup, was in a game with yall last of luck :oops:
Sorry to bump an old post but I just wanted to say hey to anyone that I ever played with. Playing 19 twinks was from a gaming standpoint one of the funnest times i've ever had. I miss it at times but i'm so far out of the loop and if Rogues are still as mediocre as they were the last time I tried to pick back up I doubt i'd ever return. I read that someone mentioned Pk. I quit a little after he did. He quit due to cancer and ended up passing away at a young age (19) RIP Pk. Glad to see 19s are still going strong.
Sorry to bump an old post but I just wanted to say hey to anyone that I ever played with. Playing 19 twinks was from a gaming standpoint one of the funnest times i've ever had. I miss it at times but i'm so far out of the loop and if Rogues are still as mediocre as they were the last time I tried to pick back up I doubt i'd ever return. I read that someone mentioned Pk. I quit a little after he did. He quit due to cancer and ended up passing away at a young age (19) RIP Pk. Glad to see 19s are still going strong.

Hey man!
Sorry to bump an old post but I just wanted to say hey to anyone that I ever played with. Playing 19 twinks was from a gaming standpoint one of the funnest times i've ever had. I miss it at times but i'm so far out of the loop and if Rogues are still as mediocre as they were the last time I tried to pick back up I doubt i'd ever return. I read that someone mentioned Pk. I quit a little after he did. He quit due to cancer and ended up passing away at a young age (19) RIP Pk. Glad to see 19s are still going strong.

oh damn think im having flashbacks, i need to go dig up my old rig from storage, coz i could have sworn 'Pk' sounds familiar, i know years back i use to heal a lil gnome rogue with a real short name in the gy while he'd slaughter horde for hours late at night back when there was no timer. i wonder if it was him, imma have to go find those old ss's now.
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Sorry to bump an old post but I just wanted to say hey to anyone that I ever played with. Playing 19 twinks was from a gaming standpoint one of the funnest times i've ever had. I miss it at times but i'm so far out of the loop and if Rogues are still as mediocre as they were the last time I tried to pick back up I doubt i'd ever return. I read that someone mentioned Pk. I quit a little after he did. He quit due to cancer and ended up passing away at a young age (19) RIP Pk. Glad to see 19s are still going strong.

Holy shit, I had no idea. May Pk RIP, that's awful. He got me into twinking in the first place really, watching him and others (Imaseaturtle) go at it in IF is what inspired me roll a 19.

I may come back later, cause you know twinks are forever.

My father died last month, I worked with him in construction. I saw him dead & had to call my mother/sisters and tell them....which is something I wish upon nobody to have to go through..I live with that image everyday for the rest of my life but it's made me a better person for sure. Sorry to be so morbid but it's reality, you just don't think it could happen to you until it does.

Also RIP Sneaky & Ctrlaltsheep (even though I didn't know him)

I will always love twinks really, so many great memories is what keeps me checking these forums from time to everyone else im sure, actually surprised these forums are still up. Thanks Shane!
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