Anyone feel like crying....

I sent a ticket in, but I dont think Im going to get anywhere with it. Exp off reset at some point i'm guessing...?
I heard of people getting items transferred to another character and blizzard leveled the toon to the desired level. I think you'd have to get lucky with that one though.
you have to stay up on the GMs, cause they fix this all the a round about way.

they will have you create a level-1 same class, then they will xfer everything to the level-1, and then grant them levels to 19.

they have also done this on players who accidently popped 60's and 70's too

if you were a achieve ho, all that will be lost also with you kill totals, etc.
Response 1 min ago,


Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Game Master Department.

Unfortunately, we are not able to fufill your request as were not able to unlevel characters. Though as our goal is to resolve every issue. Blah Blah blah

I sent a reply, saying, " I don't think so. This is going to get fixed one way or another. If you have to make a new character and transfer everything over, so be it. I paid good money to get this account back up and it is not going to waste."

2nd reply was an exact duplicate of the first response from the gm.
Call those assholes and ask to speak to a supervisor
Mummified said:
a little off topic, whats the most populated battle group at 19 exp off these days?

battlegroups are merged now when it comes to BG compiling/match making, so it really don't matter
Mummified said:
Response 1 min ago,


Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Game Master Department.

Unfortunately, we are not able to fufill your request as were not able to unlevel characters. Though as our goal is to resolve every issue. Blah Blah blah

I sent a reply, saying, " I don't think so. This is going to get fixed one way or another. If you have to make a new character and transfer everything over, so be it. I paid good money to get this account back up and it is not going to waste."

2nd reply was an exact duplicate of the first response from the gm.

well here is the catch, they answered you truthfully. they do not unlevel players. they can't cause they have no way to do this.

so depending on what you and how you asked them asked them, is the reason you got canned response #124

you need to ask and approach them concise terms. you had a twink accidently pop with gear no longer obtainable, etc, plus info what i stated above. you may also request GM ticket escalation, cause that is what it's going to take to get a specialist to assist you in transferring your gear from the level-20 to a level-1 and then granted levels to a 19.

do not try to be slick and with your XP off try to acquire level 20 quest items, they will catch it
My character, Mummified, had experience turned off last time I had access to it, which was some time ago. On 9/23/2011 my account was recovered and unfrozen, I upgraded to Cata and began logging in to account for my characters in order to make sure everything was ok. When I logged on to my level 19 twink, he leveled to 20 instantly. The effort and cost it took to get this character set up to his current equipment was staggering. I wish to repair his condition to level 19 and no experience.


1 hour ago


Customer Service Representative

Greetings Mummified,

Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Game Master Department. I apologize for being unable to discuss this ticket with you directly; however I hope this message finds you well!

After reviewing your petition I would like to extend my deepest sympathies for your having unintentionally leveled-up. Unfortunatelly at this time, Game Masters are unable to de-level a toon, due to the way that manually editing this type of information breaks characters. Specifically, for us to remove experience from a character so dramatically altars the game-code that the character literally becomes unplayable from that point on. It is for this reason that we are unable to provide your request at this time.

Moving forward, my strongest advice would be to -always- confirm the status of "experience gain" from your options menu. As a player myself, I understand all-too-well the frustration that can arise from this type of situation -- and believe me when I say that you have my deepest sympathies for Mummified having reached level twenty.

Once again -- Thank You for your patience in waiting to be contacted Mummified, and I wish you all the best.

If you have any questions or concerns about this response, please use the "Need More Help" button below to submit another help request to the in-game support staff. If your issue has now been resolved, however, please use the "Mark Read" button to close this response.

For any game play questions, please refer to our site at: <>. You can also check our forums at <> where you can discuss game issues with other users.

Again, thank you for contacting us, and I hope you enjoy your adventures in the World of Warcraft!

Warm Regards,

Game Master Nyildris

Customer Services

Blizzard Entertainment
Mummified said:
My character, Mummified, had experience turned off last time I had access to it, which was some time ago. On 9/23/2011 my account was recovered and unfrozen, I upgraded to Cata and began logging in to account for my characters in order to make sure everything was ok. When I logged on to my level 19 twink, he leveled to 20 instantly. The effort and cost it took to get this character set up to his current equipment was staggering. I wish to repair his condition to level 19 and no experience.

I think that's where you messed up. The bolded is implying you're asking for a de-level. You need to ask if something along the lines of "If I created a new level 1 character, can you please transfer the existing items onto the new character, and I will gladly level back to 19 :)"

Or something like that.
And they can delevel a character. Sanitarium did it with his 39 hunter. Dinged 40. Even has a 100% mount on his 39.

Although you dont want to ask a GM for this. Better to go about it the other way
Call Blizzard assistance and explain to them what your problem is.

Then, first ask then if they can backroll your char so it's 19 and a half experience.

Otherwise ask them if they can transfer the main items from this warrior to another 19 warrior that you'd have leveled on the same server.
Thanks for all the advice guys. Good to see this community is just as strong as when I left it almost 2 years ago.
Mummified said:
Response 1 min ago,


Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Game Master Department.

Unfortunately, we are not able to fufill your request as were not able to unlevel characters. Though as our goal is to resolve every issue. Blah Blah blah

I sent a reply, saying, " I don't think so. This is going to get fixed one way or another. If you have to make a new character and transfer everything over, so be it. I paid good money to get this account back up and it is not going to waste."

2nd reply was an exact duplicate of the first response from the gm.

****ing outsourced indian scumbags.

Just keep opening tickets, but offer to make a lvl 1 toon yourself or lvl it to 19 (they can't take all that burden cuz you know it's not their job or anything)

If it makes you feel any better Shafowdang isn't really BiS for warriors anyhow

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