Anyone else think the nerf is fake?

ok people needs to open their eyes...

what you see in BGs and battlegroup is not even worth mentionning.

take an example...

on, we have a forum, on game there is more then 250,000 registered users in game. but on forum there is only 10,000 registered users. that's only 1/10th of the user who actually goes on forum. its the same for everything. people on WOW that goe son the forum, only 1/10th of the population. thus on that whole population not even half of them are for twinking to begin with. so that's gets us to 1/20th. even with this number being over the top and completely irrealistic... 1/20 th of 6 million is really not that big of a number !

seriously, if twinks goes away, blizzard will not lose their game, blizzard as always been a good game company, making only a few games in history. it has never created games that hadn't been played years on end even after they had developping. do you really think its gonna start here just cause twinks are gone ?

i say think before going berserk cause they are ruining the one thing you love !

i'm a twink at heart, yet i find high end game quite cool enough to be played !

i'm a twink at heart, yet i like toying around the game with my friends !

i'm a twink at heart, it will hurt me to see them go, but i'll survive !

its as simple as that to me !
The only problem with Warhammer is the PC it takes to run well. I cannot run it on my laptop and be lazy on the couch/watch tv, lying in bed etc which I can do on WoW quite well. (laptop runs WoW at 50-60 fps).

Oh and Druid... the people who make Warhammer also did Ultima Online, surely you've heard of that. As well they did Dark Age of Camelot, which is a cult favorite by many due to the crafting/profession system.

I think I may just fire up the desktop PC and see what's new and how they've balanced some issues. At launch my Runepriest was pretty much unstoppable, wayyyy overpowered.
Mother goose, ultima online was awesome in all its glory, but you ar emnissing the point that it was the only MMO existing by that time ! all other were based on it, minus the whole skill thing, today skills are easier to gain. i remember a friend farming all day long at the same spot in UO:Third dawn by sticking a 5 cent into his keyboard ! took him days on end to get his mining to a reasonable level !

UO was much like what runescape is today.

even though i liked UO and runescape at one point, i can't say they were th ebest, they were lacking a lot of things !

just like MAPLE STORY is th ebest for me, but is lacking PVP features which is why i'm playing this instead !

for now, i tryed most, if not all MMO.

except those paying ones like AoC and W40K

seriously, blizzard is th eonly one giving me what i want for now !
I was just pointing out that I do know about Warhammer's makers and just like Blizzard, they too know how to make great gameplay in most of their games. :p
Nice, my first was also a Runepriest, I had a pvp group come from wow to war for 2-3 months.

Rune Priest(main healer), Archmage(off healer), Eng(aoe range dps/snares), Bright wizard(massive dps), Shadow Warrior(snare/melee dps), and lastly Iron breaker(tank).

our 6 man party worked out quite nicely, although we had 5 others that just couldn't run it due to either the high requirements on the computers or various other things.

IMO WAR would have alot more players if they didn't require such intesive cpu costs


While I do admit Blizzard does make some good games, and WoW is great overall, I think its slowly dieing, on top of that the pvp has never really been that great....just a side mini game.

I forsee my self quitting WoW in a couple months for either WAR or Diablo 3
There's absolutely no reasoning or facts that would back up the idea of this being "fake". However, as has been said MANY times, the PTR is not set in stone... Every single one of the proposed changes could go through to live, or none of them could. Either is possible. Personally I think Blizzard MAY rethink the enchant nerfs such as +100 hp to chest, and possibly the leg patch nerf, but everything else is probably going to go. I may be doing a bit of wishful thinking myself though, keeping the BoA enchant/Profession buff nerfs but not going through with the leg patches or enchant nerfs would be the ideal situation.
i don't get it. they're making the creation of twinks 1000000% easier. this is going to allow you to form twink guilds ready for 10 mans in litterally a WEEK. how is this in any way a bad thing?

hunters now crit for 300-400 on 1300 HP priests. what's the diff if they crit 140-200 on priests with 900 HP? nothing, you're crying about changes that are making twinking what it was always meant to be: Cheap and easy PVP

plus 10v10s will be able to be played totally differently. i for one am excited
kidneypopper said:
i don't get it. they're making the creation of twinks 1000000% easier. this is going to allow you to form twink guilds ready for 10 mans in litterally a WEEK. how is this in any way a bad thing?

hunters now crit for 300-400 on 1300 HP priests. what's the diff if they crit 140-200 on priests with 900 HP? nothing, you're crying about changes that are making twinking what it was always meant to be: Cheap and easy PVP

plus 10v10s will be able to be played totally differently. i for one am excited

were still gonna be critting for around what we are now. all were going to be really losing is the 12 agi/50 ap from pants and possibly 8 agi/int if you put it on your helm. everything else is gonna be the same, and its gonna make casters cry.
Unstablle said:
were still gonna be critting for around what we are now. all were going to be really losing is the 12 agi/50 ap from pants and possibly 8 agi/int if you put it on your helm. everything else is gonna be the same, and its gonna make casters cry.

casters that actually know what they're doing should do just fine.
kidneypopper said:
i don't get it. they're making the creation of twinks 1000000% easier. this is going to allow you to form twink guilds ready for 10 mans in litterally a WEEK. how is this in any way a bad thing?

hunters now crit for 300-400 on 1300 HP priests. what's the diff if they crit 140-200 on priests with 900 HP? nothing, you're crying about changes that are making twinking what it was always meant to be: Cheap and easy PVP

plus 10v10s will be able to be played totally differently. i for one am excited

Thank you for pointing out something nobody seems to realize.

Here's the reality of the situation for me. I play a druid and a rogue. On my druid, I can sometimes beat hunters 1v1 just by moonfire dotting and pillar running. The biggest thing that comes into play is usually how much AP the hunter (or any other class) is throwing at me.

On the PTR, I currently still have 1000 health and 1800 mana with about 77 SP. Against, say, a rogue who wants to wear his AP stuff....roots, moonfire, wrath and run away and he's done. Against some other dps class stacking stam, the damage output they have simply is not good enough to merit true consideration.

So, essentially, casters will need to be more of a sideshow class for sure...but you'd be damned if you think that they are just going to be worthless. Even cc mages, who many think are getting the worst end of the deal, will still be extremely vital in a 10v10 situation. Whats more, protecting your healers is now going to be even more important ::: something that is already of high importance regardless.

Lastly, nobody is really sure how this is going to pan out the day 3.1 hits. I cannot understand why some "reported changes" are making a huge contingent of this site quit twinking. In my opinion, that is immature and extremely hasty. The fun is not being torn away from you, you just have to adapt and adjust like the rest of us. If you don't, you will get rocked and we will continue to just say "GG" until you get so sick of it that you will want to leave. Some of us embrace the changes as a new challenge in front of us. I look forward to it.
Mclovinz said:
I honestly think they should just shoot themselves in the face at point blank range, there's so many people that play for twinking and they are going to lose a lot of money

And suddenly they aren't so rich anymore

I really think this is fake not sure, just seems fishy for them to be okay with it up until now, then just make a quick change of mind

Actually, twinks are under 3% of wow players, and most do endgame. Why do you think they made name and sex changes?

Fact of the matter is, Blizzard has never hindered nor helped the twinking community, and this upcoming patch is just more of the same. For whatever reason, be it RP(IE 19’s kicking the crap out of 40’s), class balance in PvP (leveling and endgame), or reducing the number of “leveling enhancements” we use when grinding alts, Blizzard IS changing the game as we know it. I think we can count on the professions, legs, shoulders and libram nerfs coming through as they stand on the PTR. As for the enchants, and “missed” gear (Inferno Robe, AGM, etc.), we can only wait and see if these are overlooked or given level requirements as well.

I, for one, look to the patch with a certain level of skepticism. It seems that, not three months ago, we where all here QQ or praising the (now we know unintentional) benefits of Professions & BoA Shoulder enchants, and I find it strangely ironic that, after calling for changes, we’re so upset over the depths Blizzard is taking their upcoming nerfs to (myself included). I guess the old say is true: be careful what you wish for….
Unstablle said:
were still gonna be critting for around what we are now. all were going to be really losing is the 12 agi/50 ap from pants and possibly 8 agi/int if you put it on your helm. everything else is gonna be the same, and its gonna make casters cry.

that' fine, if they wanna run an AP set at 500 HP let em. they'll just be spectating from the GY because they'll be our first target.

all this stam does is allow everyone to run FULL ap suits and get away clean with 1500 HP. now they'll be so low it will only factor in until you get a hamstring and a rogue with fieries on them. all i see from these changes are twinks that are gonna have to learn how to play a smart wsg, and not one that crutches on stats
kidneypopper said:
that' fine, if they wanna run an AP set at 500 HP let em. they'll just be spectating from the GY because they'll be our first target.

all this stam does is allow everyone to run FULL ap suits and get away clean with 1500 HP. now they'll be so low it will only factor in until you get a hamstring and a rogue with fieries on them. all i see from these changes are twinks that are gonna have to learn how to play a smart wsg, and not one that crutches on stats

but but... i have 900 hp in my ap set atm :D
i remember the time where 1200 hp was the best.

of course i didn't have half of what i have today. and i didn't fish for the gear either. but i was running BGs like there was no tomorrow with my warrior. seriously, this will only balance out the game, may they ruining those who likes to be glass canon or not. this will force major changes to the way we play.
Unstablle said:
but but... i have 900 hp in my ap set atm :D

last premade we did the 1200 HP warrior on pizza hut's offense was dropped in under 10 seconds by a priest pally pally everytime we got the chance. you gotta realize that if someone is gonna choose to wear AP they're choosing the GY also

so the damage output really isn't the same because people are gonna be wearing stam or balance sets to play it safe. and shit, people just need to learn how to kite

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