Any point?

Yeah but when rogue was one of the best ones you had fun.... now that it's not s tier, the bracket "sux".

Funny, that.
Is there any point to twinking on retail anymore? The damage scaling is so ludicrous it feels like all my characters that I put so much work into just got shafted and the gear doesn't even matter anymore. Everyone dies so fast in every bracket that weapon enchants don't even get a chance to proc it seems.

My rogue who has a bunch of GF shit and really good gear just got absolutely shit on by a leveling mage in heirlooms because I got hit with arcane missiles and was too far away to kick it and I no longer have cloak to protect myself. Meanwhile my Eviscerate/Dispatchs hit for like 400 damage at 5cp and then a warlock chaos bolt just does 5k damage. Everything is so shit if you aren't one of the lucky classes that blizzard just decided not to give a fuck about when level squishing and damage scaling. The game just feels like shit to play now. It wasn't good pre-squish either, but a post-squish world is awful.

I'm now getting actual 29 queues, with my XP off (maybe it's f2p queues?), but it feels pointless. Everything and everyone is so fucking bursty now. I doubt wargames are any better, if not worse with huge amount of class stacking garbage.

Maybe I'll go 70 twink again when Classic Cata comes out.
I would prep a few faves for DF's release, considering that the Meta will invariably be shaken up after the stat calibration & talent tree introduction. Gearing appears to be tedious but straight-forward.
Wrath classic is of coarse there for you, if retail really feels like buzzsaws in ball-pits to you.
Rogue I feel got super gutted with the squish. Lost their energy regeneration passives for all 3 specs (sub is okay because you have a 30 or 45 second cd that gives you energy), lost cloak of shadows, blind, wound poison, crippling poison, and their sprint is on a longer CD. Sub lost shadow blades, outlaw adrenaline rush, etc. Once I've used vanish and evasion I basically have nothing to protect myself from the onslaught of hunters. Those 80k games were definitely against f2p and probably with a pocket healer or two.

I see a lot of people complaining about Rogue but Rouge is super strong imo. Rouge has too much utility to be anywhere near the top of damage. A smart rouge can turn the tides of a close game with proactive saps, flag defense and ninja zone caps, etc… you have to provide the utility your class provides effectively. If Rogues had all that utility and were pumping out numbers close to the top DPS, people would be raging even harder than they are now about broken classes.
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I see a lot of people complaining about Rogue but Rouge is super strong imo. Rouge has too much utility to be anywhere near the top of damage. A smart rouge can turn the tides of a close game with proactive saps, flag defense and ninja zone caps, etc… you have to provide the utility your class provides effectively. If Rogues had all that utility and were pumping out numbers close to the top DPS, people would be raging even harder than they are now about broken classes.
Probably bc the only ppl still playing retail are zug zug damage padders. Yeah, rogues have always been super good.

Though, rogue shines most in competitive games, so that might be why not as many people are giving it attention as competitive games are less and less nowadays.
Probably bc the only ppl still playing retail are zug zug damage padders. Yeah, rogues have always been super good.

Though, rogue shines most in competitive games, so that might be why not as many people are giving it attention as competitive games are less and less nowadays.
i thought 20s bracket was always uncompetitive according to you especially when i was embarrassing you everyday in bfa LOL.
Yeah but when rogue was one of the best ones you had fun.... now that it's not s tier, the bracket "sux".

Funny, that.
rogue is s tier
how is rogue S tier when greenwhelp exists...
So Zedqt I can't speak for Outlaw, but I can tell you as a 29 rogue myself that sub isn't lacking much at all in the 29's bracket. If you want to push damage on leaderboard it's quite easy even without a pocket healer. As always pick your battles and know when to dip out. I run 0 haste on my rogue and energy although slow, is still very manageable. Biggest tip I can give you is upgrade your gear. Having old SW gear that's all crit/haste is no good for sub.
Why would rogue push damage on leaderboard? You are better off playing another class. Rogue's job is to cc important enemies, delay/kill FC, delay node capping, ninja nodes/carts.
Why would rogue push damage on leaderboard? You are better off playing another class. Rogue's job is to cc important enemies, delay/kill FC, delay node capping, ninja nodes/carts.

I don't know what pushing the charts means these days, we have the good hunters doing 250k+ that are sting/wildfire padding, so obviously that statement is not accurate... no rogue is doing 250k unless they are turnip pumping. I've seen games were they are at the top where the rest of the team is just bumbling-whatever-classes or 20s.

Rogue is still S tier when they do their job or they are in a game where doing that job actually matters (which is rare in his goofy ass bloat meta).
People who say rogue is S tier in 20-29 don't play rogue competitively (at any level...)
People who say rogue is S tier in 20-29 don't play rogue competitively (at any level...)

Well, like I said... 99% of most games are just staring at hunters, warlocks and priests pressing buttons and then posting screen shots on here of their "accomplishments" because there is nothing better to do in life.

In the games that do matter and have even sides, saying a rogue that is run by a great player is not S tier is just stupid... that 1 rogue can win games.
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you might need to look up the definition of "S tier".

S tier to me means unconditionally godly.

rogue isn't when a single piece of equipment shuts it down hard.
you might need to look up the definition of "S tier".

S tier to me means unconditionally godly.

rogue isn't when a single piece of equipment shuts it down hard.

Yeah, but it is when the games make sense. The bracket is just split into two game types... those that are lopsided trash and even... you can say whatever you want... there are those two distinctions... and in one of them where skill matters Rogue is S tier... in the other where its just lopsided trash... it does not matter.
Yeah, but it is when the games make sense. The bracket is just split into two game types... those that are lopsided trash and even... you can say whatever you want... there are those two distinctions... and in one of them where skill matters Rogue is S tier... in the other where its just lopsided trash... it does not matter.

It’s not worth arguing with him. Someone only looking at leaderboards for data on what’s S tier doesn’t understand the value.

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