That One OG
I didnt specifically say you? I said everyone complaining, which is the majority of this thread
Aw its alright Caldalt, your still a cutie. :3
I didnt specifically say you? I said everyone complaining, which is the majority of this thread
All off you idiots complaining about the "opness" of each class, stfu and reroll if thats how you truly feel. If you're good at your class you can 1v1 anybody who is decent at their class. Obviously this excludes non-hybrids against like a holy paldain or something. All classes and most specs are viable against others, and all you idiots complaining about ferals or rets, seriously just reroll or keep qq'ing matches please. This is at least the 20th thread I've seen that turned into a sh*tfest.
If the OP still bothers reading this, spriest is good, but it's not what it used to be imo, no fears, and mind blast seems to hit less, might be just me though, haven't bothered the BiS him though.
???? how does this keep happening? in fact theres no reason NOT to make a priest at 29Spriests suck,
so from what I gathered so far: everything but feral is garbage cuz 3,2k crit. Spriests suck, Fire mages Suck, Melee are gods except for rogues, hunters are in between. Does that pretty much sum 20-29 bracket?
Also for the last time, can someone explain to me why fire mages are bad? I tho that since they had scorch that u can use while moving + stacking 25%crit would be sufficient enough to get a lot of hot streak procs. Also they have blink + iceblook and nice cc with sheep. Do you literally do like 100 damage with scorch or?
Do you literally do like 100 damage with scorch or?
Ew no you wish we only did 1.4-2k crits or nobody would complain, my crits range 3.1k - 3.4k, cute how you underestimate us <3Feral Druids: FoTM tier class w/ FB crits doing anywhere from 1.4k - 2k+ damage, plus ridiculous mobility and self heals
Ew no you wish we only did 1.4-2k crits or nobody would complain, my crits range 3.1k - 3.4k, cute how you underestimate us <3
Edit: I'm not even geared to get max FB hits, it can reach like 4.3k I've heard.
so from what I gathered so far: everything but feral is garbage cuz 3,2k crit. Spriests suck, Fire mages Suck, Melee are gods except for rogues, hunters are in between. Does that pretty much sum 20-29 bracket?
gwimgi said:Also for the last time, can someone explain to me why fire mages are bad? I tho that since they had scorch that u can use while moving + stacking 25%crit would be sufficient enough to get a lot of hot streak procs. Also they have blink + iceblook and nice cc with sheep. Do you literally do like 100 damage with scorch or?
willix;84412[I said:4][/I]I suspect fire does underwhelming damage and lacks the tools that make it a great spec at higher levels (Dragon's Breath, Combustion, ect). Also, you won't get anywhere close to 25% crit as a fire mage at this level. Most casters right now are likely sitting around 16% crit due to the removal of crit from intellect.
Mages need to do 50% more damage. From 1k shatter double crits to 1500.
Agreed 100% except against non-hybrids or healers, spriest should win 100%To Every1 saying spricks are op - i agree That they are VERY strong in 3's and premades, but when it comes to 1v1 and 2v2, there is so much shit That is Way better. Spriests are probably one of the worst classes to Face a melee 1v1 since they Will never get damage Off and just die. In 2's when facing something where theyre being tunneled they Will almost be useless (unless Playing double dps going MB glyph for oneshot). With That being Said they are probably one og the strongest if not the strongest class in 3v3 and premades. They have strong dot pressure and time to build their orbs. So in my opinion you can only Call the class op in specific things.