Any no-XP activity for 49ers in EU?

I am on Emerald Dream EU (Blackout) and the waiting time is Unavailable, been waiting for ages now. So would not say Blackout EU is that good (at least for the moment).
Hoboz said:
I am on Emerald Dream EU (Blackout) and the waiting time is Unavailable, been waiting for ages now. So would not say Blackout EU is that good (at least for the moment).

That's because you're not communicating with all 49 twinks on blackout, and therefore do not know when we plan wsg/arena
Hoboz said:
I am on Emerald Dream EU (Blackout) and the waiting time is Unavailable, been waiting for ages now. So would not say Blackout EU is that good (at least for the moment).

Screenshot says it all tbh? and we got arena queues like 24/7

btw no other EU battlegruop have as much activity as we have they dont got games at all.
I know Andraklas, that was written in anger to not being able to play WSG/ABs 24/7. It's Twinkedpink btw :)
Hello there !!!

I just started to plan a 49 and from what i have seen is Blackout battlegroup the place to be.

Is this still true, and will it continue to be the place ?
Critu said:
Hello there !!!

I just started to plan a 49 and from what i have seen is Blackout battlegroup the place to be.

Is this still true, and will it continue to be the place ?

Yes. Here's what you do:

  1. Spend $25 to transfer to a realm you read about being 'the best place for twinks in your bracket'
  2. Realize that the only way you can actually play any games is by actually IMing or Phoning ppl to play at a specific time
  3. After a few weeks realize that unless you want to play on Sunday nights at 6PM CST you are totally screwed and go back to either playing your main and/or quitting

Welcome to twinking in the new 3.2 patch world!
Deathbytwinking said:
Yes. Here's what you do:

  1. Spend $25 to transfer to a realm you read about being 'the best place for twinks in your bracket'
  2. Realize that the only way you can actually play any games is by actually IMing or Phoning ppl to play at a specific time
  3. After a few weeks realize that unless you want to play on Sunday nights at 6PM CST you are totally screwed and go back to either playing your main and/or quitting

Welcome to twinking in the new 3.2 patch world!

LOL...sad but true. Save your money dude, I transfered and altho I can get games its just not same. There is hardly any chat going on, you can only play WSG and its pretty well the same players. Blizz had shown this for what it really is...a niche that hardly anyone plays... we'll all be relegated to some ghetto servers until twinking finally dies out.
Wow that sux !!!

I think i'll stick with 19 bracket and 80 pvp for som time then, untill things change (if they ever do.

Thanks for the reply guys =)
Deathbytwinking said:
Yes. Here's what you do:

  1. Spend $25 to transfer to a realm you read about being 'the best place for twinks in your bracket'
  2. Realize that the only way you can actually play any games is by actually IMing or Phoning ppl to play at a specific time
  3. After a few weeks realize that unless you want to play on Sunday nights at 6PM CST you are totally screwed and go back to either playing your main and/or quitting

Welcome to twinking in the new 3.2 patch world!

This is an EU thread so I assume you're talking about EU.

Comment on #2: Sure we need to organise queue times. I do that by myself though via IRC so there's no need for you to get involved in that.

#3: We have BG's up on many days, not just Sundays.

And to Haggisdog: There's a LOT of chat going on, a million times more than before 3.2. It just happens on IRC, not the official forums. (Again, this thread is about EU so I assume you're talking about that)
well if everyone just quit, there will be no bg´s ofc

I´m rolling a 49 rogue on Draenor (EU) atm

just keep on trying and try to get more ppl to play

a question tho; what server times do you have your bg´s going?
SpikeTheSilent said:
well if everyone just quit, there will be no bg´s ofc

I´m rolling a 49 rogue on Draenor (EU) atm

just keep on trying and try to get more ppl to play

a question tho; what server times do you have your bg´s going?


I am from Draenor too. What is your rogue called?
Ruin never pops

It's been weeks since I've seen a game on Ruin. It suck so bad I'm transfering back to where my main is. We made a good effort at it folks but Blizz won out, twinking is only for 19s and 80s now.
49 Twinking is Over

Andraklas7 said:
SOrryn why dont ya arrange matches instead of leave?

and if ya had games all the time at some point, maybe 49 there killed itself?

by not queueing. so

Arranging games seems to defeat the purpose of playing in the BGs, i prefer the ability to just play a game whenever I want. Now that I've been lvling through the BGs its almost as fun as when we were twinking, the only difference is that I don't quickly scan who's playing to see if I recognize anyone.

I'm glad your server is still getting games, its dead everywhere else. I doubt it will ever come back from this, there's a site called and they have a list of players that are twinking on one of the more populous servers and there's hardly anyone there. I'd say there's not much point transfering to anyone considering it.
I think that list is for the Blackout EU and I agree that the numbers aren't there. I'm glad its working for you guys now but its hard to imagine this being sustaining, I suspect you need a 5:1 ratio to make games viable and Ally is close to falling under that mark. You can already see how quickly things have died on and Ruin and that was a pretty hard-core group of players.

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