US Any Active Guilds?!?


Royal Member
I'm looking to make a new 99 twink if theres any active guild out there let me know ill be more then happy to join if youll have me, of all the twink brackets I find it the most fun so far and I'm still new to it. Finding people to play with on the daily would make it funner. :D (Prefer Alliance since I have a 99 Horde already but I wouldn't mind making another horde as well.)
i think we’re all ronin samurai. havent run into any guild premades if that means anything.
Yea i kinda figured thanks for the input.[/[/QUOTE]
Most active 99 guild is <Ninety Nine Problems> on Kel'thuzad (Alliance).
I have a couple 110s on that realm could work out thanks.

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