Another post about my 49 shaman ^.=.^

Hmm...guess we'll see how much spare money i have and if i really want to mess around with 2handers :) Thanks, im sure 2 ribsplitters and elemental will keep me happy for a while however
Dont forget to at least *grab* you Fel Azsharite Dagger. Toss Black Magic on it for Ele if you dont want to use it with an enhace set.
darzk said:
Dont forget to at least *grab* you Fel Azsharite Dagger. Toss Black Magic on it for Ele if you dont want to use it with an enhace set.

I don't agree... Black Magic is very inferior to Heirloom mace with 30 SP enchant... As elem shaman you don't want Black Magic. If you run some tests you will see how 30 SP is muck better, but if Black Magic procs on rogue or warr... hehe. Just trust me, you don't want Black Magic. I would like to be able to try it and test it, but since I play alliance it is impossible. Dagger is not so good for ench as well because of speed. But rogues can use it as "dream weapon" with Barseking on it... :eek:
45% proc rate, so 2.2 spells to proc +1k dmg, then switch back to your sp weapon. Would be nice for the initial shocks at least.
THats what I was thinking Darzk, I will for sure grab it. And I think i'll put black magic on it, it has a 45 second internal cooldown but procs alll the time when its available, even in enhancement, slap it on quickly and flame shock someone running by - if you get lucky and it procs, GG them!!

and Darzk, have you finished your 49 shaman yet? When I get to 49, we should do some games, see what havoc we can cause ^^
Im sitting with 1 bar till I hit 49, trying to find something to 'use' that xp for rather than hitting 49 then discovering I need something.

Should probably level herb from 1-375, but I HATE PICKING FLOWERS even more than fishing :(
Ugh yeah, don't blame you - think I am going to level up with Herb and Skinning, get a lot of it out of the way before I really have to worry too much, how did your rep grinding go? Or did you put that on hold for a bit?
skinning is ez, you can hit 300 in STV in your 30's. herb on the other hand is a pain and i have yet to max it on any twink yet (yes i know, for shame!!) so i would suggest doing that asap.
Yeah, tossed it on hold. Finished Timbermaw, started on Mag'har, realized just maghar was going to take 12+ hours of grinding, then still have to do Spore...

Last week in my life:

Finished getting my 69 to Friendly with ZG (was really easy) and got her her helm chant, which is pretty awesome. Working on tailoring for that toon.

Farming AQ 20 weekely on my DK for cloth+greens+chanting formulas, no luck so far.

Got a bunch of outlands enchants on that DK; been duoing MT but no luck on his chants get (and pyro is a BITCH to try and live through :D).

Got my new warrior his final pieces of gear, needs an AGM turn in before hitting 19.

Got fishing to 200 on three chars in prep for the next tournament, but I wont be on on a sunday for three weeks :(

Made ~1200g from AHing, picked up one more dualspec, need 3 more after that :(.

Got my 80 his tournament mount (the white skeleton horse, badass).

Badge Farming, WG usually once a week on two different chars...

And finally, got to play a few hours of WSG with some awesome twinks :D Good times.

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