Another post about my 49 shaman ^.=.^

My main twink is currently my 19 mage, which is lots of fun when I am playing with people or doing premades, when I do pugs and get rolled by 7 alliance hunters...D*: So my next project is my 49 shaman. I was going to roll tauren, because they are so cool...but after reading post after post, and thinking about it myself I am rolling orc, female orc (lolbandwagon?) the racials are just too strong, and axe spec is fairly nice too

Professions: I plan on going with Jewlcrafting for the neat trinkets (mainly for the serpent trinket for elemental set) And for a second profession I am baffled. Can't decide between Leatherworking/Blacksmithing for enhancement pants, or a gathering profession for the abilities. Any help here?

Gear: My enhancement set is: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

My elemental set is: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

I plan on picking up other items for different situations, JC'ing trinkets, and Gizlock's Hypertec Buckler are the main two I can think of - any other suggestions for other gear is always loved :D I haven't done 49 twinking in a while, but when I did, I loved it!

I am unsure about the enchants on my enhancement set, not sure if 24 AP to bracers are worth it, and is 15 agility the best to gloves? If you see any place I can improve on, let me know!

Talents/Glyphs: This is where the trouble comes in...I am completely baffled here, was thinking something like THIS for enhancement, and something like THIS for elemental, but these were thrown together in 30 seconds without knowing anything about shamans since TBC. If anyone plays shamans in the 49 bracket, or has any input I'd love to hear some

Last question I can think Windfury on both main and offhand still best? Or should one go with FlameTongue on offhand for Lava lash?
when I had my twink enha shami, I have the same set as you are planing, but it was hard to find that axes, so I used 2x bonesnappers both with crusader. I think on lvl 49 is better to have 2x windfury weapon than flametongue, but its only my oppinion.

Is a spec I played around with abit on my shaman, worked well. No flurry I know, but I found it actually wasn't really worth it. Also with the 2 points in Dual Wield Spec. you can chuck the flashlight and get Rune of the Guard Captain and get Fortitude on boots bumping your stamina.

Prof. wise if you are switching between Ele and Enhance pick up JC like you suggested for om nom burst and I'd run with mining as the second profession.

Also, as Persepona said, Flametongue doesn't seem worth it at level 49 after doing some crude damage tests on willing gnome mages.
It's generally agreed upon that two Ribsplitters with Mongoose or +20 agi with windfury is the best weapon setup for a 'hance shammy.

The enhance set looks just about perfect. Consider [item]Cave Crawler's Mail Treads[/item] with surefooted for when you dont need runspeed, and [item]bloodshot greaves[/item] with +12 stam for when you need to FC in pugs :D

Also, keep in mind that you dont really need hit rating, as you can fill in hit from talents.

Did you know that its possible to completely cap white hit in this bracket, without *too* much of a stat sacrifice? Windfury can only proc from white attacks, so more whites means more WF's :) Check it out: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

From your profile, this profile gets +7.2% crit, -10 attack power, -17 health, -297 armor. Seems well worth it to me. How does it do this? The trick is in using ratings wherever possible, and in using a FT'd (or WF'd) Felbane Dagger with Accurracy in the OH.

In regards to the elemental set:

Be aware that you will need to use either surefooted (get both), or one point into elemental precision with that setup. Consider Gizlock's buckler; less armor and stam, but some nice int and some valuable mp5.

[item]Eye of Orgrimmar [/item] << [item]Freezing Band[/item]. I was looking at doing the Eye chain, and then I snagged a Freezing Band off the ah for ~100g. If you're at all familiar with Deadman's Hand, this is that on CRACK. The proc lasts 5 seconds, isn't dispellable, and completely stuns the target - they cant cast, or anything. It will proc against a freedom'd toon; its a little random, but FAR superior imo to a measly 7 int.

Consider +150 hp to chest to bump you above that all important 3k hp marker, and/or Deep Woodland's Cloak. +120 armor or +7 resists may be more valuable than +penetration, as theres not a *ton* of NR out there, just the Green Dragonscale set.



Ditch Static Shock. It's crap. Half the time you'll be running with Water Shield, the other half the time you'll be taking dmg and sending LS charges out that way.

Fill in UR, and ditch Imp Windfury Totem to get Anticipation. Something like this: SPEC

Flurry vs Toughness is a personal decision.


2 ways to do this, with and without Imp GW from enhance.


SPEC Very similar to what you posted, but recall that you need 1% more hit to cap, as you didn't cap through gear (taking boars instead of surefooted.)

Call of Flame and Imp Fire Nova totem are imo superior to Convection and Reverb. Elemental Warding is also a close contender for Convection's points.

If you take imp GW, you lose some damage capabilities, but you can run with surefooted on your boots, and cap hit entirley through gear.


Finally, you can go further into enhance, but this is more of a spellhance build. SPEC


JC for the trinket, Skinning for higher DPS, Mining for higher base stamina (only suggested for healers), Herbalism is OP for everything...

Imo, if you *really* want JC, go JC/Herb. Otherwise, go Herb/skinning.
Remember to get Rune of the Guard captain for your enhancement set! and I actually uses it over my flashlight when my pvp trinket is not on cd.

Try my spec for enhancement instead. Or u can take some points out of either thoughness or flurry to put in imp stormstrike if u go oom to much or imp dw if u really need hit. And I dont use lava lash btw I just use x2 windfury with windfury glyph.

For your Elemental spec. I recommend taking imp fire nova totem and call of flame also. Works like a 800 dmg + 2sec stun witch is lovely. Specially against rogues and warriors.

For you Proffesions choice. The jc trinket is the best but only take it if you want elemental as your mainspec tbh. By patch 3.2 or if they arent the best allready. It is Minning + Herbalism. Because Lifeblood will scale on max hp and 7%+ more hp to all shamans (in 3.2) + 30stam from minning and + 10% from talents, because survial is the biggest problem for enhancement shamans because of no really cc.

I preffer 4stats over 24 ap. but have one of both.
yes to JC for trinkets (especially ele) no to LW since for enh Searingscale Legs are BiS imo, and for ele Green Dragonscale's are also best. get herb for 2nd proff imo.

an ele set is pretty ez, full green dragonscale, grieves of withering dispare, soothsayers helm, wsg bracers, belt from mara purple (and/or brd arena) cyclopean band, freezing, mindseye, gizlocks shield or wall of the dead, etc. i have a good ele build/spec usually but i went 2h enh for lulz. armory Saughon on kargath - US for some suggestions.

ribsplitters of monkey or eagle are the best, but they are rare. bonesnappers can fill in in the mean time. mongoose/20agi/30int are the best chants. 24 ap to bracers is good, 4 stats is also good. 15 agi to gloves is the best. i like 6 stats to chest, but 150hp isnt awful.

i hate using lava lash, just find it weak and harder to fit into a rotation...but im a lil jaded i guess b/c i 1st tried it when it was bugged and would always unlearn the talent, etc. oh well. 2x windfury is what i love!

my current set for lulz is Soulkeeper with a 2h spec (no flurry or DW, etc) its fun hits very hard hehe just not as consistant as DW.

shaman are a very fun class and i hope you enjoy.

For elemental this is what I run with.

For enhancement this is what I run with.

First off, if I remember correctly, the Freezing Band shares a DR with your war stomp, fire nova, tidal charm; so you dont want that over the Eye of Orgrimmar since you get more intellect.

Imo surefooted is great not only for the hit, but because of the crit, so you dont need ANY enhance hit talents, they can be better spent elsewhere.

Also, the PvP set up with your Ribsplitters of the Monkey/Eagle/Power/Tiger, is going to be WF in your MH, and FROSTBRAND in your OH. The buff is not only impossible to dispel, but procs for a hefty amount of damage.

The reason why WF/WF is frowned upon is because of the 3 second internal CD, which means you also have a chance to proc a half damage WF from your offhand. This is actually not that bad if you do not have 5/5 Elemental Fury, but this is not PvE, and not the later levels.

Stoneclaw/Stormstrike and Stoneclaw/Flametounge

Daggers in the offhand are just bad with FT.
"Slow off-hands with WF are always maximum DPS by a very significant amount, as has been tested and proven."

from frostbrand rank 6 page on wowhead. and i agree...altho using it does seem novel i prefer the burst of 2x WF. not a big deal that frostshock is dispellable anyways its still very effective.
for ele i usually go with a spec like this:

lightning overload is good, but i dont wanna sacrifice better talents to get it. stoneclaw glyph is a must. the other major is a toss up btwn 2% crit and more damage on LB (i pretty much never use LB tho btwn frost/flameshock and CL)

for minor glyphs...mana shield is ok, but id rather take water walking if you play AB it can be useful to take BS. arguably more useful than 1 extra mana shield when that spell costs no mana in the first place.
Costs no mana, but uses up a GCD you could be casting with.

Water Walking does nothing at all, if you're too cheap to buy/farm some bloody fish oils you shouldnt be making a twink, you should be doing dailies on a main.
1 orb for a minor glyph slot is such a waste. that GCD is not a huge deal at all.

water walking is a big time saver and bag space saver, and if you play AB at all then why not get it?

doesnt really matter though. neither are game if you think that 1 xtra orb b4 u hit water shield is that important, then go for it. but if you like casting water walking a lot and dont wanna have to lose inventory space/farm/buy oil then you know what to pick.
oh geeze, thank you all for the comments :D This helps a lot, I will definitely use most of this information for my shaman. I plan on going enhancement as my main, but I will collect resto/elem as well, with either 2h-enhancement as my dual spec, or elemental/resto. I guess Herbalism is the thing to do, and so I will level it up as I go, and then will later decide if I want skinning for shweet crits, or JC'ing for the trinkets.

I entirely forgot about Rune of the Guard Captain, but thank you for the reminder, its an amazing trinket.

Thank you Darzk for the huge post O: I think I will complete the quest chain for the eye of orgrimmar (maybe after 3.2...) but if I can snag a freezing band that definitely looks like the way to go, I forgot all about it :D Ill for sure do the quest to get those Caver Crawler's boots, and hopefully I can snag the other ones, it's always nice to have options in gear. I like the idea of white hit, but using a dagger in offhand...ugh! :p I will forsure do the quest to get the dagger, i'll probably end up slapping Black Magic on it

I think i am going to compare all the specs here, and probably try all of them out to see what I like the most.

I already have the 2 ribsplitters, so I am going to use them, and it looks like windfuryx2 is the way to go (and I like double mongoose even though procs can be RNG sometimes)

the minor glyph is strange, i can see the benefit of both. I think I will probably go with water walking to save inventory space, as mana shield spammage inbetween fights/while running is a habit I will not give up. I am ALWAYS spamming it, unless I am in the middle of a fight and can't afford the GCD.

The idea of a spellhance shaman might be nice, I will probably eventually give it a try - and what about 2-handed enhancement? Is it still good? I tried it before with a level 49 green staff, and WHEN WF procced it was like 1-shots all the time!!! Only problem is getting it to proc XD Is it still viable? And if so, which weapon would you use?


Executioner's Cleaver

Kang the Decapitator

Or are all of these bad and I should try for something else? Lol xD

Thanks again for all the help guys <3
i use soulkeeper for my 2h set up. that or the BoA axe, but crusader is so lackluster these days and i do soulkeeper with savagery (or you could do mongoose).

WF procs all the time since it has 3sec CD and those are all slow weapons. only thing is waiting on white hits inbetween.

im currently running a 2h only spec and i love it hehe.
darzk said:
Water Walking does nothing at all, if you're too cheap to buy/farm some bloody fish oils you shouldnt be making a twink, you should be doing dailies on a main.

Comments like this don't help. It's purely an preferential choice here. I have been running with Water Shield, rarely see the benefit. Think about the last time a fight lasted long enough that you "need" that extra orb (and couldn't spare the gcd). As the OP said, you should have your shield of preference (ls/ws) bound on an easily reachable key and spam it anytime you have a spare moment. It's just good practice. Water walking is nice to throw out at the start of an AB to encourage Ally to head to BS. It's also the only way alliance can beat horde to the BS flag (without all the mount speed gear).

For the 2-hander, don't forget Glowing Brightwood Staff. Although it has a lower top-end than any of the 3 you mentioned, it has the most useful stats by far, has highest dps, and has a decent top-end as well. With Savagery on it, that's 99 AP, 435mana, and 150(or 165)hp. Kang is okay, but as an enhance shammy you won't be relying on a long bleed proc, so only the top-end is nice there. EC is ok too, but not as useful now that Str is only 1 AP. You also shouldn't need the 10 hit, hopefully. Soulkeeper has a great top-end and the 11 int is nice, but the spirit is worthless.
good job analyzing the weps scytale, i'd done that in another thread and didnt feel like going too indepth =P

for burst go soulkeeper imo, highest top end.

for best stats and dps go glowing brightwood

for BoA go axe lol

just never do kang

and EC is a good choice if the above are too expensive, or you cant use BoAs
Pfft "too expensive" :p Looks like Ill see if I can get my hands on a soulkeeper and glowing brightwood, didn't think Kang was worth it, and I don't like crusader very much so I probably won't go with the BoA axe, so I guess for topend Ill nab a soulkeeper with like mongoose or something and a glowing brightwood with AP :D Maybe AP on both...we shall see, thanks so much guys =D
if you truly want the highest top end for burst then put savagery on the soulkeeper, and for a statstick do GBS with mongoose. that seems like the best of both worlds, or AP on both if you dont like procs.

Soulkeepers arent very expensive, or at least havent been lately in my experience. i bought my current one for 8g lol.

on some servers i play on GBS can be upwards of 400g depending on the market (also gotten one as cheap as 50g, but thats rlly rare)

kang has always been at least 150g from what ive seen, and its not worth it at all with options like mentioned above.

and EC would only be if you were dying for 10hit, which you shouldnt be. or if it was like 1g and you couldnt find any of the above weps.
Falkor said:
good job analyzing the weps scytale, i'd done that in another thread and didnt feel like going too indepth =P

for burst go soulkeeper imo, highest top end.

for best stats and dps go glowing brightwood

for BoA go axe lol

just never do kang

and EC is a good choice if the above are too expensive, or you cant use BoAs

Lol I believe that was a joint effort, since I was the one that proposed that whole setup anyway, then you went out and bought one <.<
Falkor said:
i use soulkeeper for my 2h set up. that or the BoA axe, but crusader is so lackluster these days and i do soulkeeper with savagery (or you could do mongoose).

WF procs all the time since it has 3sec CD and those are all slow weapons. only thing is waiting on white hits inbetween.

im currently running a 2h only spec and i love it hehe.

Lol wait did you adapt that spec I posted that lacked DW and crap?
Maerduk said:
Lol I believe that was a joint effort, since I was the one that proposed that whole setup anyway, then you went out and bought one <.<

hah i'll let you share credit for that if you want lol. previous to your post i had actually tried a pure 2h spec w/o DW or any of those talents but i only had my BoA axe and wasnt too impressed. then you made your post and i reconsidered doing it, logged on and was suprised to see a soulkeeper for 8g so i had to buy it and re-experiment. if i had the $ to burn i would try with a glowing brightwood, but i doubt i ever will. soulkeeper and DW is enough enh for me, if really been liking ele lately anyways.

and yes i'm using a spec purely built for 2h burst and wf procs: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

pretty enjoyable when i play it.

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