Anomalous 80 PvE Draenor - Update Thread


This thread is completely created with the intention of keeping members updated about where the guild stands in just about every degree.

If you are interested in joining anomalous please visit to learn more

Our current officers



Officer alts



Forum updaters



The officer/alts list is there to help you better contact someone within game if you have any questions about the guild that you'd like a smoother & faster responses

This thread will purely be used to update our recruitment needs, progression, and any other news we feel necessary to post. This was not created with the intention of gathering more views or "exposure" to anomalous but if we gather that along the way then no harm done.

Down to business

Anomalous has currently lost a huge amount of members to our core team and we are at an all time recruiting HIGH! We lost

1 prot warrior

1 arms warrior

1 prot/ret paladin

1 rogue

1 shadow priest

If you feel you would make an exceptional fill-in to these positions and can raid fri/mon 4-8 pm (4-7pm mon) then feel free to apply or ask questions.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to ask them even if you do not intend on joining.

Please do not flame this thread by any means

Thank you
Small update

I personally just sent out emails & replied to off-bnet forum posts to people who were looking for 80 twink/pve guild. We should be expecting at least 2-5 new recruits over the course of the next week or 2 from them and thats about a 1/4 of them. Restodruid will probably be speaking to some in-game & replying on bnet forums as well so that should be a few more hopefully.

So hopefully this will get us into a solid raiding clearing naxx, os & eoe regularly and hopefully jumping into ulduar by mid june.

Still accepting just about anything at this point, we have low priority for ele shamans as we already have 2 very active but another one couldnt hurt
Anomalous has just lost its last 80 priest for unkown reasons. We had a shadow priest lost in our incident with ilevel confusion, then another decided 80 content wasnt the thing for him, then our last one has unknown reasons.

NO we are not dying we are just suffering a recruitment loss and hoping we'll come out strong. We are having alot of people level quite fast and we're still on track for raiding.

Currently our high recruitment needs

We have

0 mages

0 warlocks

0 priests

0 paladins (actively raiding)

We are accepting anyone who is willing to put forth the effort to raid and abide by our simple rules & guidelines.
Ok I'm confused, why are people signing up on the website but not posting anything? The only thing you can see unless we grant you member access which can only be gained if your a member of the guild is our charter, raid teams, applications & general discussion which is kind of dead.

Honestly why are people signing up them not posting anything? I see our member count go up but nobody applies when done so. We have 7 people that have signed up but never submitted an app or even posted for a question or something.

whats up?
Anomalous officers are aiming to recruit at least 1-2 people each week hoping to at least complete a 10m team and possibly our better players can run their own 10m team.

This will take place over the next few weeks and all 3 of the officers will dedicate what they can to this effort. Including in-game direct speaking, in-game mail, emails to forum posting.

Hopefully in this act we will be able to keep our raiding steady & consistent.

Raid progression hasnt changed but we're aiming to raid this friday (6/3) and make progression on at least one boss.

We are still in need of anything as we just lost 1 of our ele shamans and the other ele shaman had a temp leave. We are noticing a high activity of death knights though so we will be monitoring that as thats our lowest class we need but we wont reject any player willing to put forth the effort to raid & meet our expectations
I'm excited to announce we have a new application process.

Whenever one has or creates a guildportal account and wishes to join anomalous they click join anomalous near the login bar. They are then required to answer a series of questions. If they do not answer a question they do not submit the application. Hopefully this clears up alot of confusion and can maybe make applying and recruiting easier therefor opening up a field of a few percent of players.

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