Angry rant

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rip sasha

all be at the rifle range, bring your complaints and be sure to stand down range so i may shoot you repeatedly.....
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Seems just a bit excessive...

If this patch has done anthing it has made the gap between 20s-24s smaller.

Not to mention that this is not the 24 section of this forum, this is the f2p one.

And is it really necessary to be derisive against people who you interpret as having problems already?
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You make yourself look weak. This patch the gap between f2ps and 24s have gotten cut to enchants so For someone to do what your doing nows seems like crying. Aint feelin it bro.
So it seems that the foul stench of insecurity has atlast killed this once enjoyable bracket. So to the baby dick 24s and there ego's may you're children be born with syphillis and may they're brains rot and there vision be lost . For you insufferable twats are most deserving of a life time of ritual beatings.

rip sasha

all be at the rifle range, bring your complaints and be sure to stand down range so i may shoot you repeatedly.....

I think NakedP came up with this 1 but not sure.... lol

in b4 ban
The problem isn't the bracket. The problem isn't even lvl 24 toons per se. The problem is that people's true colors come out when they can hide behind the anonymity of the internet. In short, the problem is that most people, in all actuality, are horrible cunts.
When ever has this bracket been completely fair, i've been playing since cata and 24's were shitting on trials back then too. Occasionally you do get good games with "mostly" 20s. Cherish those, because i doubt blizzard will ever do anything about it. Everyone knows what kind of players 24's are. There isnt any point in making a thread about it.
Lmao. I was in a game tonight with five 24's on the other team, two of which were fotm ferals, one was a specialpriest with 1.6k health. Our side won with all 20's, 3-0. A lot of 24's are terrible unless they're holding each others hand in a pre-made, and even then it's not a definite win for them. The most recent patch only solidifies such. This thread is funny though.
This reminds me when we used to fight over who was better at Pacman. Makes about as much sense to.
OP went way to far.. This is what happens when you make a thread while angry. Don't let the baddies get to you. Just a note also 24s basically ruined this bracket a couple months before MoP. Since MoP and all the different scalin they honestly have gotten worse and numbers have decreased some. Dont let them get to you cuz then they know they won.
In all honesty I was in WSG last night with the OP and I can empathize. It was bs to say the least. What makes it a LOT worse is that some of the perps are longtime 20s/posters here...

Oh well...

This patch has left the best conditions for fighting 24s that I've seen since f2p started. They aren't living forever in comparison to 20s, and they're not one shotting things inexplicably to the degree that they have in the past. A good f2p on my team is worth at least 2 average 24s on theirs, and possibly more if the 24s are bad enough.

But in these conditions, NOW it's too much for you? Sense, y ur thread makes none. :confused:

Edit: also as an afterthought, I'm afraid that dick size has nothing to do with this game. I manage to play perfectly fine without one.
So it seems that the foul stench of insecurity has atlast killed this once enjoyable bracket. So to the baby dick 24s and there ego's may you're children be born with syphillis and may they're brains rot and there vision be lost . For you insufferable twats are most deserving of a life time of ritual beatings.

rip sasha

all be at the rifle range, bring your complaints and be sure to stand down range so i may shoot you repeatedly.....

with that attitude i'm sure you won't be missed. and yes it's not the stupid amount of paladins/druids/hunters that ruin this bracket, it's that 24 over there ---------> in the corner.
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