I like to think the rabid gorilla adds an element of excitement.There's no drama on BWL?
I like to think the rabid gorilla adds an element of excitement.There's no drama on BWL?
- level 3 dagger from Goldshire vendor
- only Assassination spec
- level 3 weapon from Goldshire vendor
- level 3 bow from SW trade center
- Marksmen spec
- no Aspect of Hawk
You might want to change the op a little bit more.
There's no drama on BWL?
Wasn't one of the main problems with the first one the time it took to regear and relv a toon..? If so why would you make a different "arena realm" yet again so people would have to reroll yet again. Each time you ask people to reroll you're gonna be having people lose interest. Sorry I am not interested either way however I am someone who doesn't like having 10 alts and am just giving you the opinion of someone like me.