And Ret buffs keep on comming.......

ret will always be overpowered. even w/o exorcism it'd still be over the top since everyone lost so much hp. stun, judge, get soc and/or white crit, hoj. fight over.

i think holy is pretty awesome too with holy shock and exorcism now, its almost like ret but with better heals.

i have a ret pally, but i try not to play it that much; it doesnt entertain me..just too ez. i prefer my druid or warrior. but i wouldnt go so far as to say no respectable player should play it. for all you know thats someones only 49, they dont have the gear for holy/prot and certainly don't wanna quit. so w/e, even if ret isnt nerfed i think people with multiple twinks will get bored and the field will level out again. it cant stay as ret filled forever, can it?
Falkor said:
it cant stay as ret filled forever, can it?

I hope not, but you can never underestimate the people who can play the same OP shit forever and never tire of it. Even I have been that way in the past... I played enhance through the times when it was pretty OP, but the difference I guess is I continue to stick with it now as it has become far more lackluster. Also I am not cookie cutter dw, I either use 2h or 1h/shield.
Falkor said:
ret will always be overpowered. even w/o exorcism it'd still be over the top since everyone lost so much hp. stun, judge, get soc and/or white crit, hoj. fight over.

i think holy is pretty awesome too with holy shock and exorcism now, its almost like ret but with better heals.

i have a ret pally, but i try not to play it that much; it doesnt entertain me..just too ez. i prefer my druid or warrior. but i wouldnt go so far as to say no respectable player should play it. for all you know thats someones only 49, they dont have the gear for holy/prot and certainly don't wanna quit. so w/e, even if ret isnt nerfed i think people with multiple twinks will get bored and the field will level out again. it cant stay as ret filled forever, can it?

59s are still infested with Dks and nothing has changed there. So yes I think it definately can remain ret filled.

Rets are the sub 50's Dks
Krymore said:
59s are still infested with Dks and nothing has changed there. So yes I think it definately can remain ret filled.

Rets are the sub 50's Dks

rly? i hear thats been evening out, at least as far as twinks go. there will probably always be scrub dks who just catch a few games before they lvl. but its not like 10v10 dk wgs last i heard.

i have faith that the pally population will decrease soon enough
NO respectable player should be playing [Ret]

Because Battlegrounds are full of respectable people, amirite?

Anyways, people will continue to play Paladins even after Exo gets fixed

Exo isn't the sole problem with Pally burst.. it's just the exclamation points on a very colorful sentence..

This is me QQ'ing

Ret are no more OP then enchant shamans or the 3.1 warriors.

I have two attacks really, outside stunning a player or rep then. It is boring as hell and if you miss one it suxs lol. Add in exo was a attack that was no based on luck like soc is and you can see why I don;t like not being able to use it against other players
Only ret buff that came with 3.1 was exorcism... and now without, rets are only slightly nerfed. As far as I can tell things are hardly different from how they were before 3.1.
I've played ret for 4 years now and I love seeing peoples' continuous qq'ing about how it's so "OP" now. Let's face it, if you go back in time through all the patches I've been through it was severely underpowered many times prior and I'd rather call this a balancing of power if anything. I got 2 shotted by a rogue last night in bg and I still have over 3k hp. I'd have to say since all these recent patches, most classes if geared/specced/and played right can be "OP" in their own regard, especially with the loss of hp and increase in damage due to new talents etc. Also noticed my crit chance dropped to 14% o_O it was 21% last night when I was on with no buffs...

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