An open letter to Revelosh

Dear Mr. Revelosh,

I know you are a busy man, standing around in an abandoned mine all day must be very time consuming so I will keep this brief. I have killed you, and exclusively you, from the instant i hit 38, to now, I have done no quests, and I have been minimizing the amount of rest I receive, yet sadly I am a half of a bar from 39, at which point I will no longer be able to assassinate you for an all but imaginary set of magic gloves.

What I am trying to ask, is for you to remember the good times, where vanish didn't work so I prep vanished and still died, to when I went afk stealthed in a corner and somehow one of your cronies found me, and please drop your gloves of the monkey as a favor to me.

-Sincerely, Wowisfair

P.S. This post would've been dramatically different if i knew if we were allowed to use the word nigger on these boards.
rev leveled me from 30 to about 35-36, i needed 3 items (all the eagle gear on a holy pali). i highly suggest you start farming him at 30 because if you're not lucky, you will be running alot

there's also a thread related to this:

just thank rev that he's the first boss of the instance. i believe for 49s ST is a bit different in that the bosses are much more difficult to get to
Wowisfair said:
P.S. This post would've been dramatically different if i knew if we were allowed to use the word nigger on these boards.

We don't have words banned, but tbh, I would prefer not using those words here. We want to keep this place nice and fun, but respectful.

ps. I feel you on Revo... I am on run ~50-60, I lost count.
Druiddroid said:
just thank rev that he's the first boss of the instance. i believe for 49s ST is a bit different in that the bosses are much more difficult to get to

Both Reve and ST and BRD make me /wrist
Benchlol said:
Just tag him die, get someone else to kill him resurrect-loot-profit-problem solved :D

no, the problem is that the loot + profit part doesn't work in most cases
its way harder to get someone to run me than to simply solo it every hour, but yeah thats what ill have to do

and st sucks, but it isnt that bad. i helped a 49 mage farm it on my resto shaman, after we got gloves we devised a method where I would just earthen shield the mage and he would train to the drakes and die, i would follow him and not get into combat because he aggroed everything, i kill drakes, he gets rezzed, and eventually we got an eagle offhand
yeah you just have to be lucky. i mean on my 39 mage, i got my rev's gloves in three runs (8/8 eagle).

i think drayner ran VC like 40 times and blackened defias never dropped. i got that in two runs on my hunter.
Wowisfair said:
its way harder to get someone to run me than to simply solo it every hour, but yeah thats what ill have to do

and st sucks, but it isnt that bad. i helped a 49 mage farm it on my resto shaman, after we got gloves we devised a method where I would just earthen shield the mage and he would train to the drakes and die, i would follow him and not get into combat because he aggroed everything, i kill drakes, he gets rezzed, and eventually we got an eagle offhand

*still scratching head about the ST isn't that bad quote*

*still scratching*

Besides Fire Opals and Dark Iron rings from BRD, Drakestones are probably the worst farming grind.

Not to derail this thread from Reve. I farmed for 3 days on nearly every instance reset possible to get healing gloves from him. I'm currently at 2 months of farming the drakes for a Shadow's Wrath Drakestone for my warlock. It's probably just bad luck.
If you have a friend that's nice enough try asking if you could dual-box with his account. If he's not on your server then create a DK on your faction then do it.

It's a fairly simple process. Pull a mob on your low level right to your left when you enter, die. Go on the higher level, run on the side walls so you don't pull too much aggro, pull Revelosh to near the entrance, then make sure group loot is on then kill him. Spirit run / get rezzed and do it again. You'll hit the 5 runs an hour cap easy.
lol i know how to farm mobs without getting xp, problem is it will be a little more complicated when its more than just me going in and doing it, i hate asking for favors : /
my friend ran me through here to get the gloves and the leggings from the maiden woman on my priest, got the gloves first try and the leggings seconds try. PoD is the next stop! ;p

Happy farming.
I love Revolosh me and my freind Foxx 19 Night-Elf Rogue. We ran revolosh a good 350+ Times in all, going for almost everything got everything but Of Stamina +13. We ran 5 runs in id say under 3 mins every hour and still never got the 1 thing needed. Is it just me or does he like to give you his boots? Does he always want to go shopping to get new shoes or is that just me that thinks that?
276 runs for Revelosh... no luck...

I just want my damn Revelosh Gloves of the Monkey 8/9. NOT 8/8 OR OTHER SUPER RARE SP BRACERS THAT ARENT EVEN LISTED. F89jasfijdsklafjnakls

Edit: 281 ... :mad:

Edit: 286.......
Haha Vircy your bad, im making a new rogue BTW alliance side so i wont have to WTF Pwn you all the time.

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