An apology for previous behaviour


Hello bracket.

After a nostalgic evening of reading old threads on twinkinfo, i finally realised how i used to behave towards other people on this forum.
Many comments are childish, selfpromoting and completely off-topic regarding the thread. I have recently not played any kind of twinking, but instead focused more on studies and work irl. Having a break from the game have made me realise that i've been very self-centred and always ended up blaming other people but myself. It is clear for me that i indeed do need to apologize to some people.

Why would i do that in a subforum on twinkinfo? Well, most people know each other on twinkinfo, and many of you might also know that i've been posting some serious crap over the years i've been here, wether it being some selfpromoting bullshit or direct hate towards one person. I want to tell those who might've thought "man, what an asshole" that i am apologizing once and for all. If you don't recognise me on the forums, then i guess this thread is pointless - sorry about that.

I have been acting very arrogant a while back, when i still was leading Ante Amanthe. Many people, on twinkinfo and in the guild (as even to this day), might have gotten a bad idea of who i am. I honestly never realized that i was being arrogant until some of my old officers told me. Even then i tried little to change the attitude, and that would result in "a war" with Aelobin, Splosion, Xipelol and the other Legacy members. The self-promotion regarding ICC raiding was pointless, and i know that i kept thinking that everything revolved around Ante Amanthe and especially me. I guess i was too proud of what i had made to see that other people were achieving something even more amazing than we did. My apologies for the many useless comments on your progression threads.

I know that i owe many other people an apologize for have been a dick towards them. I do, however, owe the biggest apologize to five certain people;

Onlydreams, of course, is one of these five. I know i've been holding a grudge against you the past year, yet i kind of realise why you and i never really seemed to get along. When Ante Amanthe started going inactive and i lost my interest, i did not want to realise this. I kept believing that i would be able get the guild through this, yet without really doing jack about it. Onlydreams, i've flamed you for quite a lot, including a "coup". Back then i saw it as something personal, but i do realise that you wanted to keep the twinking community running, wether it was in Ante or in a new guild lead by a more active person. I also apologize if i at times seemed to differ you from other members when it came to joking and such. I would never differ people from one another, but give you equal rights in the guild. I believe that i blindly did this, due to the "sup, i'm Sall" thingy. Please understand that Elkiva was and still is a good friend of mine, and it also made me very mad. From that point i've blindly been trying to be some kind of dictator.
Please forgive all this bullshit. I do understand Shinela better now, when he decided to promote you.

And about that; Shinela, i am very sorry for getting mad at you. I passed the guild on to you, knowing that you would do your best to keep it running, no matter the cost. I still blindly hated Onlydreams when you promoted him, and therefor got very mad at you as well. You are the nicest guy in this bracket, and i am very sorry for what i've said. You're one of the oldest Ante Amanthe members, and you know the members as good as i did back then. You are good at judging people, seeing how they may change over time. And heck, Onlydreams is doing a pretty damn good job now i can understand.

I would also like to apologize to Ironclíff, an old friend of mine who helped me leading Ante Amanthe at its peak, and still did a great job after i abandoned it. I am very sorry for getting equally mad at you as on Shinela when Onlydreams was re-invited to the guild. We really had a fight, lol, but i do miss your Pölse-snak on teamspeak.

Leggzor, i also let my anger out on you, even though we didn't talk much. You did not deserve any of this, as you merely wanted to help the guild and never saw Onlydreams as i did. My apologizes.

Scoot, i also owe you an apologize. I honestly think you're a nice person who are dedicated to achieve stuff in this bracket. At the very start, i was hoping that Shinela at one point would promote you, heck i even suggested it to him myself back then. Recently i've been quite a douche towards you. Sorry about the battletag discussions and taunting comments on twinkinfo.

I hope you guys on twinkinfo, especially the ones mentioned, can forgive my previous behaviour, and i hope that those who don't know me well will change their view on me, in case they think i'm an arse.
I recently started speaking with some old twink buddies, and that've gotten me back to twinking. This is not an attempt to get forgiven by those i've apologized to, but hopefully they'll accept this and leave all the shenanigans in the past. It's also not an attempt to re-join Ante Amanthe, as i probably will stick to 60 twinking for now.

If any of the mentioned in this thread wish to speak further about the past and share some of their thoughts on my behaviour, then you're welcome to add me on Zitalin#2772.

(Sorry if this isn't considered bracket-related, but this is the bracket where i've gotten myself unfriendly. Feel free to remove it if you think it's a pointless thread)
inb4 "tl;dr"
Sorry for the long post, but certain people might find the read interesting, maybe even relieving; it was for me at least :)
Onlydreams, of course, is one of these five. I know i've been holding a grudge against you the past year, yet i kind of realise why you and i never really seemed to get along. When Ante Amanthe started going inactive and i lost my interest, i did not want to realise this. I kept believing that i would be able get the guild through this, yet without really doing jack about it. Onlydreams, i've flamed you for quite a lot, including a "coup". Back then i saw it as something personal, but i do realise that you wanted to keep the twinking community running, wether it was in Ante or in a new guild lead by a more active person. I also apologize if i at times seemed to differ you from other members when it came to joking and such. I would never differ people from one another, but give you equal rights in the guild. I believe that i blindly did this, due to the "sup, i'm Sall" thingy. Please understand that Elkiva was and still is a good friend of mine, and it also made me very mad. From that point i've blindly been trying to be some kind of dictator.
Please forgive all this bullshit. I do understand Shinela better now, when he decided to promote you.

Hi Zitalin. I honestly was not expecting anything like this from you ever. Unfortunately I am still on vacation and unable to respond to you in-game.

I accept your apology and respect the fact that you are giving me one. Although I want to mention that the grudge you have been holding against me has been completely one-sided for a very long time.
I, along with many of my fellow guildmembers, have primarily found your continued hatred towards me humorous. That being said, it is nice to see you finally let go.

I did not need an apology from you, but I am taking it as an official end to the shitposting on the wow forums and twinkinfo, and for that I am thankful.

Wait this is wrong now we have no drama anymore :( thanks for ruin the bracket

There havn't been much drama here the past year to be honestl.If you consider a few shitposts drama, then you are easily satisfied :D
How's the saying go? Be kind to others, for they're fighting their own battle?

Unfortunately I don't have much time to express my opinion, least wholly. But I'm quite appreciative you took initiative to step out and speak to the community in such manner, Zitalin. Even though I do believe actions will speak much louder, even if this topic is an action within itself, in other words, I hope you live up to your claims. xP

As for everyone else, who perceive hostility and uneasy "vibes" from other forum members, that's just how community affairs work, not everyone could be having that great of a day; and in result, you shouldn't take anything personal. I believe that's one of the large issues we encounter in this sub-forum in particular, including myself at times, too! We're family, more-so considering our bracket and quite a few others are going downhill in terms of population as of late. The last thing we need is grudges, and mental divides holding everyone apart from one another.

As for myself and how I moderate. I genuinely try to keep the place clean, not to the extent of some other moderators where they'd entirely sweep for silly things, like "fag" or "noob". Understandably not all of these things are meant as offensive, and those that are, just report them, yeah? Don't feed a fire~

Digressing, I'm just like any other tinker next door. So I do apologize if there's misunderstandings of any sort, I just try to do my job to the best of my ability, and because I love twinking. Always feel free to message me, I won't bite.

Digressing even further. Please don't post for people who are circumventing, this goes for the post in this thread, and another thread within sub-forum. I understand why it was posted, and the context isn't against any ToS; so I only gave a warning, both in private on here, right now.

Be nice, you guys. I hate taking out the ruler; especially when I can relate to some of these debacles on my own. Again, just message me if anything.
And about that; Shinela, i am very sorry for getting mad at you. I passed the guild on to you, knowing that you would do your best to keep it running, no matter the cost. I still blindly hated Onlydreams when you promoted him, and therefor got very mad at you as well. You are the nicest guy in this bracket, and i am very sorry for what i've said. You're one of the oldest Ante Amanthe members, and you know the members as good as i did back then. You are good at judging people, seeing how they may change over time. And heck, Onlydreams is doing a pretty damn good job now i can understand.

You apologised to me before, and even though you got angry again after that or expressed dislike, I know that you made me a guild master before because you trusted me, and deep within you know that one thing. I promised you Ante Amanthe would never go down. Now I'm not a person to break promises, no matter what our standing is in the end. Changes need to be made in order to keep things going, and even though some of mine might be doubtable, I make sure they are eventually stabilized and well-put, with or without officer help.
Leggzor quit the bracket ages ago. Disappeared into fair mist. Ironcliff is only passive, but him and I now raid together in a mythic end-game raiding guild.

I'm not going to lie though. Remember when you logged in and asked about how I got a garrison? Well, I did tell OD about that just for a laugh, but I never meant to hurt you in that regard. I know he joked around about it but there was no intend of direct insult whatsoever. However when I tried to explain, seeing you go "yeah whatever bye" actually made me feel bad about myself, even though I obviously don't emit that. I have to remain strong and confident, after all ^.^

Whatever the case, I accept your apologies in all regards, mate. You'll need to take actions too to re-justify your name for many in our bracket as.. In all honesty, you didn't help it up very well in the last few months. But I support you on this and if you need moral support, I'll definitely help you out. I'll add your real-ID first thing in the morning.

Also, I know I'm a bit late on reading this but let's just say better late than never, especially on a post like this. I'm feeling the glimpse of hope to see that person that was once a good old friend of mine return to that good old friend and thus allow us to quickly forget the sad, rivalry-ish time we had for the last few meetings we held. Good luck, my old mucker ^.^

Do have a nice day further on as obviously per usual :p
Yours truly,
Hi Zitalin. I honestly was not expecting anything like this from you ever. Unfortunately I am still on vacation and unable to respond to you in-game.

I accept your apology and respect the fact that you are giving me one. Although I want to mention that the grudge you have been holding against me has been completely one-sided for a very long time.
I, along with many of my fellow guildmembers, have primarily found your continued hatred towards me humorous. That being said, it is nice to see you finally let go.

I did not need an apology from you, but I am taking it as an official end to the shitposting on the wow forums and twinkinfo, and for that I am thankful.


You apologised to me before, and even though you got angry again after that or expressed dislike, I know that you made me a guild master before because you trusted me, and deep within you know that one thing. I promised you Ante Amanthe would never go down. Now I'm not a person to break promises, no matter what our standing is in the end. Changes need to be made in order to keep things going, and even though some of mine might be doubtable, I make sure they are eventually stabilized and well-put, with or without officer help.
Leggzor quit the bracket ages ago. Disappeared into fair mist. Ironcliff is only passive, but him and I now raid together in a mythic end-game raiding guild.

I'm not going to lie though. Remember when you logged in and asked about how I got a garrison? Well, I did tell OD about that just for a laugh, but I never meant to hurt you in that regard. I know he joked around about it but there was no intend of direct insult whatsoever. However when I tried to explain, seeing you go "yeah whatever bye" actually made me feel bad about myself, even though I obviously don't emit that. I have to remain strong and confident, after all ^.^

Whatever the case, I accept your apologies in all regards, mate. You'll need to take actions too to re-justify your name for many in our bracket as.. In all honesty, you didn't help it up very well in the last few months. But I support you on this and if you need moral support, I'll definitely help you out. I'll add your real-ID first thing in the morning.

Also, I know I'm a bit late on reading this but let's just say better late than never, especially on a post like this. I'm feeling the glimpse of hope to see that person that was once a good old friend of mine return to that good old friend and thus allow us to quickly forget the sad, rivalry-ish time we had for the last few meetings we held. Good luck, my old mucker ^.^

Do have a nice day further on as obviously per usual :p
Yours truly,

This is relieving :) I hope that i can speak with you two on teamspeak or skype some time soon to get it all sorted completely.
Sorry Zit, i just did not think you would care this much since you havent cared much about 70s since the release of WoD. New content got boring so you go back to what you used to like but realized that you barely have anyone left to play with.... I did not intend to share the way i perceive all this but since you listed me i felt the need to do so.

Heck even Valencia qouting Plato (greek proverb) to appeal to your sentimental side really gave this the finishing touch it needed imo :p
Be kind to others, for they're fighting their own battle
Sorry Zit, i just did not think you would care this much since you havent cared much about 70s since the release of WoD. New content got boring so you go back to what you used to like but realized that you barely have anyone left to play with.... I did not intend to share the way i perceive all this but since you listed me i felt the need to do so.

Heck even Valencia qouting Plato (greek proverb) to appeal to your sentimental side really gave this the finishing touch it needed imo :p

It's alright babe, i know you well enough to know it was messing about. :D
This thread wasn't really intended to find people to play with though. It's not that i am lonely, but i wanted to apologize. I did and do still have contact to some of the old friends, and i am happy with the 60 twink guild i casually play in at the time being (with old friends) :D

apologi accepted, even tho you have been really rude to me.

Oh? i'm sorry if i have lol. The few times we talked it've been in a kindly tone though (back when i had a rogue on SS in your guild :D )
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It's alright babe, i know you well enough to know it was messing about. :D
This thread wasn't really intended to find people to play with though. It's not that i am lonely, but i wanted to apologize. I did and do still have contact to some of the old friends, and i am happy with the 60 twink guild i casually play in at the time being (with old friends) :D

Oh? i'm sorry if i have lol. The few times we talked it've been in a kindly tone though (back when i had a rogue on SS in your guild :D )

was a joke :)

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